Title: Heaven
Rating: PG, just to be safe.
Summary: "The silence in the room dragged on for what seemed to be forever before the younger male said: “Hello, love.” And as he said this, a single tear ran down his face."
Pairing: Jovin
Warnings: Character death
A/N: Sorry about the lack of dialogue :( But I hope you like it anyway! :)
The house was quiet and still, the house was so quiet, that you could hear a mouse. Hear a pin drop; hear the long, deep breaths of the two boys that lay on a bed in the second level of the quiet, still house. The two boys were sleeping ever so peacefully on this bed. Their bodies tangled within one another.
The sun from outside shone into the clean room. The white walls almost glowing from the light, the suns warmth making it hard to stay awake. The room was small, but not too small. It merely held a bed, dresser, and two nightstands. The boys were still sleeping, nothing disturbing the silence and stillness of their home.
One boy was on his side, facing the other boy. His body so close to the other body that if someone had just glance at them, they would look like one large human-like thing. His dark wavy hair all messed up from sleep. His brown eyes closed, his perfectly shaped pink lips parted ever so slightly. His tan, toned arms bent in front of him, tucked close to his chest.
The other boy was in a similar position; except his left was wrapped possessively around the younger male, almost like a seatbelt. His freckled face was peaceful, serene. Their legs were tangled up with each other, but you would only know this if there hadn’t been a clean, soft blanket covering their motionless bodies.
If you were to ever so silently walk through their quiet and still home, if you were to go up the sturdy stairs, down the hall and look into the bedroom through the partly open white door, you would see these two young men and forget about how wrong it was that they had what they had.
You would forget how all those lust filled, sweaty nights that they shared would make all of their friends and family despise them, call them sinners, because what you would see would melt your heart instantaneously, it would make you go “aww” ever so quietly to see these two young men, so obviously in love as they lay there, tangled up within one another.
But of course, this glorious sleep had to end at some point, and it did. The younger male’s gorgeous brown eyes fluttered open and quickly looked over the room before they fell upon the face of his brother. His brother that he loved so, so much, in such a wrong fashion. But that didn’t matter as he raised his hand and gently stroked the ever so soft skin of the older male. It didn’t matter as his gazed lovingly at the older male.
Surprisingly, this action caused the other male, Kevin, to wake up too. Except his hazel eyes went straight to his brother’s. A smile slowly made its way across his child-like features and he placed his hand over Josephs’, his brother. They brought their hands down and stayed like that for a long while, just staring at each other, feeling nothing but love and compassion.
The silence in the room dragged on for what seemed to be forever before the younger male said: “Hello, love.” And as he said this, a single tear ran down his face. His bit his lip and looked around the room. The house was still quiet, still undisturbed as they lay with each other. The looked back to Kevin who looked sad, but happy at the same time.
“I …I can’t believe this is what it’s really like … were you expecting this?”
“Not at all … but then again, I wouldn’t have it any other way. This is what we wanted for so long.”
Joseph held Kevin’s hand tighter, “I just miss everyone so much … I hope they come soon”
“They’ll come when the time is right … but for now, we can watch over them and make sure they are safe and happy.”
Joseph continued to look into the eyes of the man he was so in love with and nodded. He was still having a very hard time grasping the fact that they were dead. It just seemed like some wonderful nightmare, one where he had all he ever wanted, but lost everyone he loved so dearly.
But of course, Kevin was right, they were able to watch over all of their family and friends. Watch over them and made sure they joined them when the time was right. They had spent every day for the past week looking down upon their family, grieving over the loss of them. It broke their hearts to see them like that, so sad.
But they were helping each other get through it, which is what they needed: each other. They needed help to do many things, like telling all of their friends, their band, and fans. Oh, their loving fans, they took it so horribly. What makes it worse is to know that Joseph and Kevin didn’t leave them by choice; their lives were taken from them. Stolen.
Now, I’m not going to go into the details of how such a horrible thing happened, but I will say that for now, the two young men had each other, they were with the one they loved like no other. And for now, they would watch down upon all of their friends, family, and devoted fans each and every day.