Title: The Long-coated Stranger Author: yoyocchi Rating: PG-13 Genre: fantasy, slight gore Summary: He helped humans granting their wishes. The service was not for free, by the way.
♥♥♥♥♥♥ some mistakes in spelling/choice of words and one or two sentences needed to rephrase but overall a good read. c: I'd like to know more about why the girl did what she did etc etc and more /interaction/ between both of them (sorta like ciel/sebastian where both are "companions" yet are very cautious?) so that the death seems more scary in a way? /incoherent/
I was preparing my self for the picture but turns out it was a silhouette xD phew lolololol
tell me where the mistakes are and I'll love you a hundred folds ♥♥♥ Since I didn't think much when I wrote it, I almost have no idea about those details myself wheeeeeee /runs
Fixed the color tone so prepare yourself once again >D
Comments 5
I was preparing my self for the picture but turns out it was a silhouette xD phew lolololol
Fixed the color tone so prepare yourself once again >D
the pic wont loadddddddd
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