Contents of Suitcase
-4 pairs of jeans
-3 t-shirts
-1 sweater
-2 dress shirts (one blue, one black)
-Assorted socks/boxers
-2 belts
-Textbooks (a Sociology book and a Biology book)
-Notebook (filled with notes taken in class and various doodles in the margin)
Contents of Wallet
-$210.43 in assorted bills/coins
-Debit Card
-Receipt for a CD (The Killers' Hot Fuss) bought at Best Buy
-A photo of his parents
-A photo of his brother
-A photo of him and brother together
-A paperclip
Contents of Duffel Bag
-1 scarf
-1 pair of jeans
-1 dress shirt
-1 pair of socks
-1 pair of boxers
-1 notebook (empty)
-Various toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
Contents of Backpack
-Half-empty bottle of water
-Sketchpad (filled with various doodles, sketches, notes)
-Gameboy Advance+carrying case (Games=Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland, Pokemon: Ruby Version, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Demikids: Light Version, Dr. Mario & Puzzle League, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, Klonoa: Empire of Dreams, Fire Emblem.)
-1 hooded windbreaker
-3/4th ziplock bag of Goldfish crackers
-6 AA batteries
-2 DD batteries
-Small bottle of Excedrin
-Travel sewing kit
-Black string necklace
-Wrist watch
-1 pair of sneakers
Yes, this was all packed for a week-long visit to his folks. We never said he wasn't paranoid/over-prepared.