Ugh my month long hiatus is finally over!!
Stupid Exams.
Did i miss anything? I tried to keep up with JUMP and NYC through the
hey_say community but I went through the
heysay_fanfic community today and it looks like I have a lot of reading to do the for the next few days.
Speaking of Which of my own updates there is five stories coming your way all within the next week or so.
- The story for Ryutaro's Birthday b/c i missed it
- The story for Daiki's bithday b/c again i missed it
- The story for chibilover14 for her graduating and getting into University a Dai/Ryu story...but not im not combining the three events.
- Chapter 6 on Watching Over You...very exciting stuff more past is coming your way and the "friends" of Yoru and the daughter will be revealed
- Possibly chapter 7 as well
- As well as my continuation to my song-fic collection a Yabu/Hika/Inoo OT3
Be on the look out, I won't be far away.
that sounds creepy in a way. Whoops