Title: The Beast Below
Author: Phoenix Angel Suyari
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Billy/Teddy, Teddy/Tommy
Summary: Tommy needs saving. In the end, Billy and Teddy are not enough.
Archive: Just ask.
Disclaimer: Despite my deepest wishes, Young Avengers does not belong to me, and so, I can only borrow them.
A/N: Just a bit of short & silly brought to you by cheery livestream chat this evening.
After everything they'd been through the shriek of a teammate was more than enough to have them up and running without a thought. The fact that it was Tommy who had been the origin of the sound should have tipped them off they needn't run very far.
Billy swiveled sideways trying to look over his shoulder as Tommy clung desperately to the back of his shirt. Teddy was fairly certain if they'd been in uniform, there was a very real chance the silver haired speedster would have been quivering beneath his twin's cape. "Tommy!" Billy gasped when trying to turn proved useless. "What's wrong? What happened?!" Tommy quivered behind him, pressing his face between Billy's shoulderblades and mumbling a reply. His wet hair soaked a dark spot against the fabric shielding him from view. "What?" Billy queried, head tilted so he could just barely make him out in the corner of his eyes.
The shower was still running and shifting forms, Teddy slipped carefully toward the bathroom. He looked back at Billy once - who nodded - and raised a sharply taloned hand. The door creaked slightly as he pushed it all the way open and stepped into the room.
"Is he still there?" Tommy called, still shaken.
Teddy straightened and looked around. "I don't see anyone."
"He attacked me in the shower!"
Turning, he could see the twins through the open door. "He was all over me!" Tommy cried, shivering so violently he vibrated slightly. Billy wrapped his arms around him and it was about then Teddy noticed Tommy was still naked. Before his traitorous eyes made hip level though, Billy's thigh was in the way. "I can still feel his creepy body sliding down me!" He pressed his face against Billy's shoulder and his brother settled a caress against his nape. Teddy was momentarily distracted by how tight Tommy's ass was - the same curve as Billy's but significantly more muscle definition - but managed to drag his eyes up fast enough when Billy turned to look at him. He knew he'd been caught when the look turned slightly suffering. He grinned an apology and turned his attention back to the room.
"Whoever he was," he said, pulling the shower curtain back and reaching for the handle to turn the water off. "He's long gone by now."
"It's okay, Tommy," Billy soothed. "You're okay now. We've got you."
Teddy climbed upon the rim of the tub and stretched for the overhanging window. He gave it a good shake but it didn't appear to be open. Sighing, he turned and scratched at his head in thought, looking around the bathroom for other potential points of entry.
"Anything?" his boyfriend queried after a few moments.
"Nothing. I don't--AH!"
Billy teleported into the room, Tommy still attached. One hand raised and glowing, he ducked down to help Teddy up. The blond kicking his legs to scrabble back from the tub. Tommy's eyes widened and with a gust of wind Teddy was on his feet and they were back in the hall.
The speedster's twin took note that he was left to deal with whatever it was and powered down. If it had been dangerous, there was no way Tommy would have left him there. Heart racing, Teddy spared a moment to be awed at the level of trust that had grown so deeply between them. He watched his boyfriend give the room a steady, careful once over before crossing to the tub. "A spider again?" was all he said and Teddy got a cool breeze from the strength of Tommy's nod. Billy sighed - though he had had his back to them at the time; they were getting very good at the whole twin connection thing - and shoved the curtain aside. "Really, Tommy. I told you. There's nothing to be afrai--"
The door slammed, Billy's back to it. He paused to look at them wide eyed.
In a flash, Tommy had stuffed a towel - or several, Teddy couldn't be certain - under the door. The screech of wood caught Teddy's attention, and he shoved the cabinet into place as soon as Billy set it down. They stood together, shoulder to shoulder - and maybe the twins were an inch or two behind him, but who was measuring? - and stared at their hastily made barricade.
"Do you think we trapped it?" Tommy whispered.
"I think so," Billy whispered back.
"What now?" asked Teddy. "We're going to need to use the bathroom eventually."
There was a long silence in which they all contemplated their options.
Billy went into the nearest room, tossed a pair of boxers at Tommy who hastily put them on, and crossing to the door, he clung to the frame and shouted into the house. "MOOOOOOOOM!!!"