What's the Deal, Stegosaurus Suz?robby8675309March 31 2003, 18:38:19 UTC
Where did you apply and get into? Are you still going into English? How far do you plan to go in academia, B.A, M.A., PhD? What do you plan to do with your degree, teach, write, edit, torture people? If you're planning to go into teaching, you'd probably be (unless they change the curriculum again) going for you B.A. is the subject area (e.g. English) and then would go on for you master's in teaching what you will have studied as an undergrad. The bigger SUNY schools make it possible to stay there from undergrad through your master's. best bet is to go to their websites and check. small schools like potsdam are less likely to have decent if any grad programs. get back to me about this and we'll help you out. Rob
Well, it seems from what I know that you are choosing between Buffalo and Albany. You have seen SUNY Albany, and you know what it has to offer. My best advice, choose the school that you would feel most comfortable in. If it doesn't out, you can always transfer, but as long as your college of choice offers the things you cherish most in a college, you should be very happy.
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