Wedding, Bedford, Hair Colours, Brochures, Burritos, Quakers, Jonah, and everything else

Mar 18, 2015 17:06

It’s been a busy time of it here. Last week I tried to fight through a three-day headache, thereafter all went well. This weekend was a bit worn out, but re-energised with going out yesterday.

A new hair colour - I fancied one shade away from black, so Blueberry Crush (black with a hint of blue) - and is working well. I did want to do black for while, to sort of homogenise the colours to be mostly the same (there was a mix of very light brown, medium brown, usual dark brown, and a tiny bit of turquoise!).

Wedding plans continue apace, and invites went out a week or so ago. This will be a Quaker Wedding at the Friends Meeting House in WGC. See for all the updates, as and when they happen. It will be the first big event since the current refurbishment work, and the first same-sex wedding there since the change of laws last year. These were confirmed at a Prep. Meeting on Sunday 8th March 2015 - which just so happened to be International Women’s Day!

Speaking of Nephews, as I was in my last blog post, here’s a shot of Jonah, my sister’s son, earlier in 2015.

Busy with BABUS work - not just the Newsletters, but also a brand new brochure and posters were done for them too. These were paid using a grant from Bedfordshire Rural Transport Partnership. You can download these at the refreshed BABUS website

Also went to Bedford yesterday - see the photos here (public link).

Here To There News - work is continuing apace behind the scenes. All the websites I control have been converted to Wordpress. With the exception of one bug and a still-to-finish shop, the new look is going down very well.

We’ve also tweaked our e-mailed Newsletter, which is now a weekly transport eNews. This is going down very well, judging by the opens we now get! The idea was to make it less salesey, and more newsey with a little selling - and the experiment appears to be all well.

Everything Else
I See KFC's new Burritos in the UK are going viral worldwide! We had one each last night and they were good, very good almost. C is no main fan of mexican food, and it was enough to get rid of the lurgy she'd brought home from work last night!

Football - after losing 0-2 to Partick, we went into the Scottish Cup match vs. Celtic. After having a player sent off each side, United converting a penalty, Celtic missing theirs but scoring later after we were at 9 men, the Scottish Cup game was a draw at 1-1 - so a fourth game is needed, a replay tonight. League Cup final was a 0-2 loss - we did well to get there though, it has to be said.

babus stuff, welwyn garden city, lesbians, haircrazy, scottish football, football/soccer, feelings, suzy, true friend diary, football, hardcore, radio, bashes, wedding, hopes for the future, hopes and dreams, here to there publishing, here to there news, facebook, our civil partnership/marriage, days out, friends, big bang theory, i want hair like adam, work, quaker, state of the suzy, caroline

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