
Feb 27, 2011 10:35

This was probably the weirdest episode of Smallville ever. And at times the funniest. But mainly I think this episode would have worked better if we weren't so close to the end.


Clark drunk was the best thing ever. He was hilarious. There were little moments all throughout it that made me laugh so hard.

"I'm sorry, you said you were cold." LOL That one killed me. And the way he said it too.

Unfortunately, this episode was another one since the break that didn't focus on him. Outside of him being utterly hilarious, this episode didn't give him much to work with. This is now three out of four episodes were that's happened since we returned, imo. All I can say is that the last seven episodes had better be Clark heavy. So far, with all the stuff that is coming up, it is feeling less like we are headed towards Clark final steps to being Superman and more like the final episodes of a show that has lasted ten years and the producers wanting to get in as much their can before it goes of air.


Erica was fantastic. Her make up and wardrobe, not so much. She had some great one-liners. I'm not sure how to feel about her cold feet storyline though. I can get behind the idea of it. But I thought it was a little abrupt without zero build up, a few subtle hints that she was feeling this way in Masquerade wouldn't have hurt. I did apreciate that it was clear that it was more about her then him or them. But why was Clark so fast to believe that she left him? As she been acting weird about the wedding around him for some time? This is why a build up to storylines is important. I don't know, one or two wierd looks, and a weird message from her on a night that was clearly full of craziness and noone remembers doesn't really feel like enough of a reason to believe that Lois had second thoughts to me. I guess Clark knows her well enough to know that she might get overwhelmed with everything, and I could totally but that, but this felt a bit much. I did like their talk at the end though. Clark being understanding and patient was lovely as always. I loved the way he reassured her. That really was the perfect answer.


I don't have any complaints, except the I mentioned above. They were fun, sweet, and lovely at times. The video was awesome. I was hoping for something like that. Their reactions to it was priceless. Poor embaressed Clark. I loved him. They had me smiling in all the scenes they shared together.

"Lois if you're watching this twenty years from now, just know that you are the love of my life."

How I loved that part. It sweet and hilarious all in one.


I have mixed feelings about her storyline. It was mostly harmless and didn't cause much of or any damage to the other characters, so that I loved. But alot of it made little sense to me. I think it's pretty clear the producers just took everything (they could) that most Chloe fans have wanted throughout the years and threw it into these episodes. Married to a hero, helping other heroes, working as reporter, being imporant to Clark as a friend and in his hero life. Except in order to do that, they left too many storylines open ended and with more question then answers or closure, imo.

I really wish they had focused more on her reasons for leaving during her scenes with Clark in the barn or Oliver at the end. Because as it stands, I don't get why she would need to leave to do this. If she's going to be working somewhere (Star City) fulltime instead of traveling around the world looking for them, I don't see why she couldn't do it from here. If she needed time alone and to be away from everyone, then how does that explain her and Oliver staying together? Furthermore how are they going to explain her absence in Oliver's upcoming storyline? Since she's his wife now, this is the kind of storyline she should be involved in.

When did Chloe meet Bruce and Diana? I thought Chloe spent her time away hiding out and making sure no one could find her... for everyone's protection. So when and how did she come across those two? By accident. And when did she decide a to get a job in Star City?

I still think it would have been better if Chloe left to go find herself. Rather then as Oliver wife and reporter by day, hero inspirer by night. Mainly because all this, while giving most Chloe fans most of what they wanted, just leaves to many unanswered questions and future plotholes, imo.

I'm finding it hard to buy into this storyline with Chloe tracking down people and inspriring them to be heroes. It makes no sense to me. She's going to try and track down these people, and then? Oliver had the money and the resources to put together a team. Helping AC out of trouble and helping Bart and Victor. He had something to offer them. What is Chloe going to do? Somehow manage to convince them to give her, some random person, the time of day long enough to convince them that they can be good people or heroes. Wasn't that similiar to what she was doing with Isis. Trying to help meteor freaks. And according to her, she wasn't very good at it. We've also seen that Chloe isn't really good with people in general. She also tends to come on too strong at times, and not in a good way. We've seen it in her reporting and during the hero stuff. Proving hero support is one thing but actually tracking down superpowered people and turning them into heroes is a whole other thing. And not something that, from what I've seen onscreen, Chloe as the resources, the ability or character traits neceassary to pull off. So yeah, that storyline fell flat to me. Although it does explain why the show was going out of the way to show Chloe new found fighting skills. If she's going to doing this job, then it probably helps if she can hold her own.

"You know in every epic tale, there's always one person who believes in the hero first, someone who helps inspire them to greatness. Maybe it wasn't just a fluke with you. I've been thinking that maybe that my true calling. Finding heroes and helping them find their true potential beyond the reach of Watchtower."

Did she really imply that she inspired Clark to greatness? Forgetting the fact she completely ignored his parents place in his life, even if she did have a hand in who Clark became, who says that about themselves? Her ability to talk herself up never fails to amuse. I wasn't surprised though because this was her last episode and ACS episodes are usually the ones that is heavy with the whole "saving the hero from himself" kind of talk from Chloe.


I loved Tom as Drunk!Clark. He was awesome. I wish there was more of that. He had them all beat when it came to those scenes. And he was lovely and entertaining at the farm house in the beginning and in Watchtower at the end. But I thought he could have done more during the rest of it. In that scenes after the credits, I don't know, I didn't feel the shock and horror of the situation from him. He seemed to be taking it all a bit to well. And it didn't seem like he was just trying to stay calm and focus on figuring out what's going on either. But rather a little dazed and not much else. I do think that came down to the acting because when I focus on his words and actions, it's a different story. He was better with it in the first scene. That expression he made just before the credits started was hilarious. And I loved his confusion in that scene.


It wasn't all that bad. That last scene was definitely a step from their usual cringworthy dialogue. If I liked them, I would have enjoyed it.  I'm still curious about how they are going to play thing with Chloe not being around for Oliver's storyline. This just feels like an annoying way to prolong their storyline. Unless the show ends with Oliver leaving to Star City fulltime to be with Chloe. I only hope the fact that they are still together doesn't that the writers are going to feel the need to remind us of that during every episode. No more of that keeping Chloe's memory alive, please.


I kinda loved it. They were one of the most entertaining parts of the episode. I did wonder if this wasn't going just be a one episode thing though. That scene between them in Watchtower made it seem like there could possibly be more there. Sextape, wow! Everyones reaction was hilarious, especially Tess' reaction. I like how both of them seemed to knew what was coming and started freaking out a little.


Erica and Justin have always had fantastic chemistry, imo. And it really shows in their scenes. It's so easy to buy these two as friends. I loved the banter between them. It's really a shame that this is probably the only two people on Smallville who get along this well after they've broken up and moved on with their lives.

All in all this episode fun yet disappointing at the same time. I have no problem whatsoever with wacky episodes that are just plain fun. But it also helps if there's point to it, like Hex for example. This episode didn't seem to have much of that for Clark or in general and considering there are only seven episodes left, that's not a good thing, imo. I'd be more accepting of a fun episode before we go into the last batch of episodes if I felt that they have been making the most of every episode this season when it came to character developement and moving the different storylines forward. But since they haven't, with so many plotlines they have going on and a whole bunch of others that are going to be happen, is this really the time for episodes like this? So as fun as it was, it did feel like a waste of an episode to me.

episode review

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