I really didn't except Konzen to die like that ;~; CRUSHED BY THE FUCKING DIMENSIONAL GATE- WTTTFFRY!? Did anyone else see that comming? I. . . oh god, I probably sobbed for a good ten, fifteen minutes when I read that. It really broke my heart to see Goku's face ;____;
But, my roomate
commodore_sd pointed out something I didn't even think about when I read it: SHOULDN'T KONZEN HAVE DIED LIKE KOUMYOU!? If anyone remembers in the first chapters of Gensomaden, we see a flashback that Goku has without releasing it, of Konzen being slashed (back when Goku had Gojyo's fabulous pants~) in the same position that Koumyou was when he saved Kouryuu D:. I dunno. After reflecting liek that, it almost takes away from Konzen's death and makes me kind of sad, but I still sobbed really hard. But not as hard as when Gensui died. I still cry and I think about Tenpou ; 3;. Oooh Teennppoouuuu~~~~!!! Anyways. That was my two-cents. Gaiden fucking ends in May? Shiiiitt. That's gonna be an epic chapter o___o;; R-really epic. And if Gojun isn't in the finaly chapter, I'm holding a grudge against Minekura until I die. >:\
Nothing too major has been up with me 8D. Just getting through classes, trying to fight my way to get more hours at work (with some success). I got sick for a while, but everything's good now. IT'S ALMOST SAKURA CON 8D! Holy shiiiit I'm excited about seeing
vasyenka and meeting
lustere for the first time 8D It's gonna be exciting. I love you Shii Shiiii~~~
Is anyone else going to Sakura con I don't know about? How about Yaoi Con? I know I've talked to
askyedragon about it and
kuroi_rubyheart so that's pretty exciting that I might find people to go with 8D! You're still going right, Shi Shi? Anyways, I've been spending much time with my fabulous
jesterroyale and loving every moment with my darling 8D~~ I need to start studying more, so, hopefully after Spring Break I can get myself into a better mindset tostart really working seriously. I hope so at least~
And. My rats are doing well 8DD I think my next post will be all about them~
And if anyone wants to see a distrubing anime with virutally no fanbase, go check out Grappler Baki 8DD It'll teach you how to draw the male anatomy properly! I suggest everyone go watch it and learn from it.
And check out their website 8D: www.bakithegrappler.com
Oh Funimation~ you slay me.
Ciao for now~