Title: Regrets
Prompt: No
Characters: Wullf Yularen
Era: It straddles both Rise of the Empire and Rebellion eras
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Warnings: It changes times near the end so keep an eye out for that.
Author's Note: Go figure, I do some happy stuff then right back to the serious ones. I may just have to do some more with this prompt at some point, it's a fun one to do. It's a continuation of my run of his time between SBI and the Clone Wars, the end is a throw back to another drabble I did with him on the original Death Star, mostly because I needed to use more words to make it to 200.
“I said no.”
“You would turn down the Supreme Chancellor’s offer for what? Another drink and a day spent complaining about corruption in the Senate?”
“No.” Wullf had stood up and leaned over the table, his eyes clear for the first time in days, “I would turn down the offer for the chance to relax and see life outside those towers with no fear of getting a knife in my back for annoying the wrong senator.”
“You think it’s any different out here? It only takes a different form, look around you. No matter where you go it will always be the same. Nothing is pure now, but you can work towards making it so.”
“With the Chancellor?”
“Yes, he is eager to get to know you.”
“Will I have the chance to decline any offer?”
“If you feel the need to so.”
Years later, his hair and tunic now white, hands far too swift in their movements on the console, he found it difficult to ignore that conversation. A sigh and then a frown crossed his face as he saw the emerald light, the explosion, heard the pained cries.
“If only I’d said no. Would we be here now?”