Title: Stranded
Prompt: Chill
Characters: Admiral Wullf Yularen
Era: Rise of the Empire/Clone Wars
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None
Author's Note: Eeep! I forgot about this prompt! I got something done for it however, so here it is!
A careful tuck under the girls chin insured his jacket was firmly around her slim, slumbering form. A puff of air escaped his mouth and instantly turned to mist, confirming his fear about the failing life support systems, and a shiver ran down his spine. Being confined to a small space meant heat stayed longer, but even a small vessel would freeze in time, its crew frozen husks on its decking. They were guardians, defenders of the helpless, who saw their deaths in some form, from ships to droids. But in the frozen darkness of space, who guarded the guardians?