The show began with the opening montage and the fireworks. We were welcomed to SD and Chris Jericho came to the ring for a promo. Pictures were shown of Jericho winning and retaining the world title. Jericho said he is still the world champion and said he was the best in the world in what he does. He said he told everyone that he was genetically superior and everyone was inferior and defective and he was right. He said he wrestled a perfect match and he is the greatest champion in this generation. He bragged about beating Edge and said he is still the champ. The crowd chanted “You Suck” and Jericho whined about Edge spearing him though the dasher boards. He considered himself as a innocent victim and called everyone hypocrites for chanting Edge’s name and chanting spear. He started to rip the crowd and called them losers.
He said as a result, Edge is a loser and he is still the champion. Edge’s music interrupts and comes out to confront Jericho. Edge stared at Jericho and said that he makes a valid point and he and the fans have a lot in common. He said him and everyone love watching him get speared. He said they would love to see him spear Jericho again. He demanded a rematch right now and Jericho smirked and asked if that what he wants? Jericho said he doesn’t care and reiterated the fact that he lost. He said Edge is in the back of the line and he’s a loser. He said nothing he can say that would change things and demanded to get out of the ring. Edge started beating the hell out of Jericho, hit a impaler DDT and speared him. Edge stood over Jericho and left the ring. Swagger ran out and knocked Edge out with the MITB briefcase and demanded a ref to come out because he’s cashing in the MITB briefcase. The ref ran out and started the match…
Jack Swagger cashed in his MITB briefcase and defeated Chris Jericho to win the World Heavyweight Championship in 0:09. Swagger hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb on Jericho to win the world title.
Teddy Long was confronted by Jericho backstage. Jericho said he want the decision to be reversed and he want his world title back. They went back and forth and Jericho said he was taken advantage. Long said that if Jericho doesn’t want his rematch, he has nothing else to say to him. Jericho said that he was the champ…
Swagger was introduced by Chimmel. Swagger came out with the robotic look with the world title. Swagger said this is the first of many addresses and he pulled an Adamle with statements in his hand. He read lines which got him cheap heat and he said he will be champion for a long time and he should get respect and silence until he’s done. He started read more blah about his record at Oklahoma, winning the ECW title and winning MITB. He said he was the replacement of HBK which got a lot of heat and Jericho interrupted him…
Jericho told Swagger to give his title back and Swagger said it’s all his and its nothing he can do about. Jericho said he is the champion and Swagger committed the biggest crime in WWE history. Jericho says he heels quickly and he will take his belt back. He said he wants the travesty to end and Edge came out. Swagger got out of the ring and Edge said that he should face him. Edge said he wouldn’t be champion if it wasn’t for him and said he should face someone who isn’t injured. Jericho said he had no right to ask for the match and Edge told Jericho to shut up. Teddy Long came out and said that they have a situation here. Jericho said he has a rematch that he didn’t want, so Edge and Jericho will face each other and the winner will get a match with Swagger for the world title. Jericho hit a Codebreaker on Edge and Swagger hit a Gutwrench on Edge and Jericho. Swagger stood tall with the world title…