Fuji's App.

Jul 31, 2006 09:58

Character: Fuji Shuusuke.
Series: Prince of Tennis.
Character Age: 14.
Canon: Imagine a world completely different from the one we know today. A world where physics doesn't apply and where everything can be resolved by hitting a fuzzy ball with a paddle-like thing. A world of chaos and confusion. A world of... tennis. In the center of this world stands Fuji Shuusuke. Okay, maybe not so much in the center, more like a bit to the left, but he is indeed quite important here, I promise. Throughout the series, Fuji never takes things seriously (much to his captain's dismay), and generally just goes along with the flow.

Fuji is the type of person who will stand by the side and watch life unfold, specially events involving people he finds interesting. It is not that he doesn't care, more that he won't interfere unless it is his place to do so (unless you are messing with those he loves, in which case, Fuji will make it his place to interfere).

From his tennis skills to his culinary tastes, Fuji leaves an impression in every unfortunate soul that ever crosses his path. Active schadenfreuder (hush, it's a word now), thrill seeker, loyal partner and caring brother; he is the ever smiling boy-next-door that everyone wants to be friends with (if only because the alternative is way scarier).

Inui mentioned in the app with permission from the player.

Sample Post:
I'm Fuji Shuusuke, pleased to meet you all.

Normally one would start by saying how happy one is to be here, but since there is nothing normal about me being here, I will refrain. Now, I doubt all of you are present of your own volition, so it's probably safe to assume you haven't found a way out yet? Hm. I have a feeling I'll be staying here for a while. So! Does anyone want to play a game of some sort to help relax? I'd be willing to arrange something if that's the case!

If there's a pool table around we could have a little tournament. Or maybe play some volleyball, if you prefer outdoor activities. If Inui agrees, he can even make some juice for the losers to drink. It's always fun to watch the myriad reactions. Needless to say, I will definitely not lose.

Oh, before I forget, whoever it was that felt compelled to aim a tennis racket at my head back in the woods? I want to invite you personally to a very friendly game of tennis. It appears nobody took the time to tell you that sports are not meant for hurting people, and through my tennis, I will correct that.

Ah, and this may seem like a strange request, but would any of you mind helping me get a hold of a certain zombie? He seems to have taken a liking to my camera, but whenever I approach him to get it back he runs away crying. The poor thing hasn't recovered from our first encounter, it seems.

... No, you may not play monkey in the middle with the camera. That is not a valid sport.

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