The awesome
sa_am tagged me for the quirk meme, in which the tag-ee lists seven personality quirks and then tags seven more people to list their own.
1) i hate strawberries. the multiple seeds in each berry reminds me of a bad case of pimples. i hate them so much that i once lied at a birthday party to get out of having to eat the seed-infested strawberry ice cream that accompanied the strawberry flavored (and frosted) cake. I said that I was allergic to them and that if i ate them i would break out in hives and probably die. this was hard for me to do, since i had already lied to my insane jehovah's witness grandmother about going to the party in the first place (they don't celebrate anything birthdays).
2) i feel guilty every time i see a hamster. this is because once when i was in the tenth grade in florida, a friend asked me to look in on her invalid grandmother and feed her hamster while her family was on vacation. i looked in on the grandmother but could not find the hamster. i figured they must have made other arrangements for it. in retrospect, i realize that this makes no sense, but that was my reasoning at the time. the hamster died what i am certain was a horrible, painful death caused by starvation and dehydration. when she returned home, my friend came banging on my front door and shoved the hamster's dead body in my face. i felt terrible, not only because i'd killed it, but because once i saw it, i couldn't stop laughing; she'd mummified it in toilet paper, and it looked pretty funny.
3) meeting new people scares me. this is probably because we moved around a lot when i was growing up. i went to seven different elementary schools, two different junior highs, and two high schools. being the "new kid" takes its toll. i no longer "lock up" when i meet new people, but it's still a scary prospect.
4) i was working as a "seaman third class" at Long John Silver's when the Anita Hill trial was going on, and my male co-workers thought that the "Long Dong Silver" comment was the wittiest thing they'd EVER HEARD. To this day I cannot think about pirates, seafood, or high-profile sexual harassment cases without picturing the greasy-haired fry guy Robbie swaggering around the franchise, grabbing his crotch, and saying "I'll show you a long dong silver, Boyeeeee."
5) I have a strange compulsion to pop sea grapes--or maybe it's kelp. Whatever it is that washes up on the beach, I like to hear it crunch under my sneakers when I run.
6) Whenever I stay at a hotel with someone I don't know (which happens from time to time, on account of conferences and traveling), I worry that I will embarrass myself in my sleep. I talk in my sleep and frequently have night terrors. Some people sleep walk, but when I have a night terror I "sleep-run." I once busted up my knee sprinting from a monster on my bed that was half rat, half egg beater. I ran right into the wall and woke up sobbing from the pain. "It had red eyes," I said, trying to explain it to Scott. He has heard it all before. I limped for a week.
7) I have a soft spot for fat kids. This is probably because I was one.
I tag
patchwork_grrl ,
theraflu, and
thinga ;-)