Dear flist, if you love me even one tiny bit, you will click on this. Just once. /emotional blackmail
This should be of particular interest to:
* People who are looking for a cheesy, CRACKALICIOUS fantasy show with pretty people, pretty camerawork and scenery, lots of swordfighting and Powerful Magic.
* People who are looking for all of the above, plus kick-ass women who are integral to the plot and have agency + shiny hair.
* People who are missing Merlin.
* People who are missing Merlin and wish the show was more interested in its women.
* People who often fall for the canon het ships.
* Femslashers (I have an extra-special post coming up just for you, later).
roga You know who you are.
Why I Think You-Yes, You, Dear Reader-Should Watch Legend of the Seeker (Illustrated)
There is an episode in Season 2 where Flynn, a minor character who had recurring appearances for a couple of episodes, is describing Our Heroes to another person over a friendly glass of wine, 'I've never seen such a carnival act! One shoots fire out of his hands, the other carries a magical torture stick, and the Confessor? Make her mad, her eyes turn red, and BOOM! Ahaha! And the Seeker! Huh. If he was so good at seeking you'd think he would've found me by now. I think that old fool of the First Order gave the Sword of Truth to the wrong farmboy, that's what I think.'
If you think about it, this about sums up the four central characters in LoTS: one wizard who shoots fire out of his hands, one leather-wearing dominatrix who carries a magical torture dildo stick, one Confessor whose principal superpower is turning other people into her magical love slaves and, of course, the Seeker-the protagonist-who fails very hard at being awesome. And Flynn's mockery is also the writers having their own little meta joke: they know their show, and it's RIDICULOUS.
Legend of the Seeker is loosely based on Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series. And by loosely, I mean really loosely, changing things as they please and introducing their own fun. Which, I'm told by people who have actually read the books, is a good thing, but I wouldn't know. But without any further ado, let me introduce you to our principal characters:
This is Richard. He has nice abs, and is shirtless a lot. I mean, really really a lot. Sometimes he is also tortured by dominatrixes wielding torture sticks of pain. Shirtless.
The producers want you to watch this show for the plot, yes they do.
So anyway, Richard, the Shirtless Seeker, learns that he is really the Seeker of Truth, the true wielder of the Sword of Truth ™ and the one who has been prophesied to defeat the evilest villain EVAH, aka. Darken Rahl (son of Penis Panis Rahl, lord of D'Hara and master of the Mord'Sith). He is not very smart, but he is very brave and has his heart in the right place. He also has an adorable squirrel smile that makes me want to pinch his cheek. And so he embarks on his quest with his two trusty companions, a Wizard called Zeddicus Zu'ul Zorander and a Confessor called Kahlan Amnell.
This is Zedd. Don't be fooled by the nudity and the chicken. He is an incredibly powerful wizard who frequently saves Richard's ass. He is also the show's Exposition Fairy ™ and a good mentor to Richard and Kahlan. In spite of not being young and pretty (well except that once), he gets his own storylines and is not killed off, which is nice.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is Kahlan Amnell. She is a Confessor. Confessors are the highest moral authority in the Midlands, and her superpowers include being able to read most people and tell if they are lying or not, and to turn people into her love slaves with her touch.
She has two daggers and she knows how to use them. She uses them. A LOT. While usually saving Richard's pretty behind. She also has a SQUISHY heart, a stable head and adorable smile. Oh, and she happens to be a woobie. For better understanding of her badassery (because some people are better in motion), refer to
this vid.
Naturally, she and Richard fall in love. But their love can ~never be~, because if she has sex with people and reaches ~ecstasy, she will lose control of her powers and end up confessing the person she's having sex with (who will lose his/her soul free will and become her love slave). It's very tragic.
Together, they must defeat the evilest villain in the history of villains.
Ladies and gentlemen, our villain. (Yes, that's a kitten.)
Darken Rahl is evil and wants to TAKE OVER THE WORLD. FOR ITS OWN GOOD. He has a band of personal guards called the Mord'Sith: a bunch of leather-wearing dominatrixes who wield Giant Dildos of Pain (aka the Agiel). They like to torture people. And be called 'mistress'. No, I'm not making this up.
This is Mistress Cara. She joins our heroes on their quest in the second season. She is incredibly hot, canonically bi, sarcastic and awesome and does not believe in feelings and is incredibly confused when she has them. She's also the un-woobiest woobie in the history of woobies and might frequently make your heart hurt.
The awesomeness that is Season 2 Cara/Kahlan demands a separate post of its own, but meanwhile, why don't you take a look at the greatest fight sequence ever? (Mild spoilers for 2.08)
Click to view
Things Of Note:
* The show, as you may have gathered, is full of badass women. They are relevant to the plot, have agency and get their own storylines. Frequently.
* It passes the Bedchel test almost effortlessly in every episode. Even when it doesn't, women are usually around, doing things. Some are good, some are bad, some are silly, some are noble, but they're all there, doing stuff.
* It is made by the people who made Xena and Hercules. If Lucy Lawless guest stars, I might die of joy.
* Its plot consists mostly of Stuff. And Powerful Magic. Somehow, though, it continues to be very well-written crack.
* As in, UTTER CRACK. If you're looking for quality television, you should probably try elsewhere.
* Sometimes it goes to surprisingly dark places. VERY dark places.
* It steers clear of the problematic morality and rape/BDSM overdose of the books, but it does feature some torture-if you are squeamish or possess triggers, take note.
* Its representation of female sexuality is problematic when you think about it.
* It doesn't have much in the way of m/m, sorry. Richard/Darken Rahl is a possible pairing, but it… might not be everyone's cup of tea. (How about Spartacus? Same creators, naked gladiators, Lucy Lawless + trying very hard to be Rome.)
* You might be tempted to skip to S2 - especially if you're into f/f - but don't. S2 is BRILLIANT so far, but S1 has its charms. Marathoning will do you good.
* The pilot suffers from an acute case of pilotitis, but it honestly gets better with every episode. Or, as
jaybee65 said, 'THIS SHOW OMG. It begins as a guilty pleasure, and then you just don't care how cracky and ridiculous it is because it's so AWESOME.' It is sparkly and it will make you happy. What more could you possibly want? ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Have I missed anything, guys? Feel free to add your own comments.