h3y h3y every0n3.. w0w what an eventful night.. last night we had a party 0ver my h0use, but it was mainly f0r the rentsz, and w0w did i fe3l stupid 0r what?! while every0ne else was havin a go0d tiime bo0osin up.. get smashed.. i was like the 0nly s0ber 1 besidesz sam that was 0ver 11 yrsz. 0ld.. but it was funn i guesS.. @least i g0t sammie
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Comments 1
hey misz ! wo0w thatz a l0ng fuken entry !
heh yah im glad i g0t 0utta tha h0use f0r 0nce in like 12 yrz ..
everythin will be fine cz wer guna g0 0ut & hav madd fuken fun &
get fuked up wenever we get the chance <3 l0l h0ller ! yo0r
like the 0nly friend thatz actually stayed ther thru all my
drama shyt & i wana thank yo0 f0r that ! :D:D:D we d0nt like
rapists d0 we yaz ? No0 ! lma0 .. but i guesz t0ny d0ez .. hmM ?
< xo0 > sam
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