musical... nine hours of sleep in five days... i pet sheep. angela kissed me.(almost creamed my pants) my knee hurts. i sang with chantacleer. im going crazy. help me. come to the musical. ugh., sleep.
Julie, i miss hanging out with you (even how minimal our time spent with each other was) but why havent we talked? i hate this damn musical. its ruining my life. so many feelings and emotions are stirring up, i cannt deal with it!!!!!!!! and the only one Im starting to like is in love with damn ANGELA. the most perfect damn girl in the world. ugh. sorry. i had to rant
surya... im so sorry youre going through so much shit right now... and i wish i could complain about angela, i wish i could hate her, but shes such a sweetheart... and im kinda crushing on her too... we should DEFINATELY chill though! i miss you! (can i say that? i never really knew you to begin with but i want to!)
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