Even though I didn't watch the hockey game, I could tell that the Flames won by the dull roar of thousands of drunken, screaming, fans spilling out of the bars around my neighborhood. Knowing that I wasn't going to be getting much sleep tonight anyway, I walked down to 17th Avenue to see what the "RED MILE" was like.
This part of 17th wasn't too bad. You can see in the background that as you head west down the street, the crowd gets a lot denser.
These are just some dudes. Standing on a wall, cheering, as you do in these situations.
These are the bellydancers and bongo players that popped up out of nowhere.
Right after I took this photo, the poor dude with the tin foil "Stanley Cup" got his hat swiped off his head and crushed by some really drunk girl.
Here are some jocks hugging and partying with the police. As you do in these situations.
It was actually a pretty low-key affair. Maybe that's because this was GAME ONE. And it's only the western conference finals!