no doubt i absolutly love snow! and winter!..but i think we could all use some warming up. here's some pics from maine last year, just felt like sharing them with you all.
i absolutly can't wait to go to quebec!! yipee! ..but school's kinda boring, these last two days were funner then usual though, julie is hilarious..singing in the locker room. very fun. no meet today..that means everything gets pushed back another week, i guess. alot alot of work, mostly for the stupid science fair.
one exciting thing thats going on is our engllish project, we get to do it on absolutly anything..of course knowing me it's gonna be on fashion, i'm gonna make a magazine, with all my friends pics and personal styles, also make and design some clothes and most of all do a fashion if anyone wants to be in it your welcome to. another exciting thing is possibly, and hopefully me and ash are gonna go down to rhode island school of design during feb vaca, cause mom and dave have connections down there, so i can prob do an interview with someone, about the school, and also for my english project. it's gonna be awesome. :) never was so happy to do a project in my life.
...........yipee! no school today.