I thought this conversation was quiet amusing so I am posting it, and yes, due to past (stupid) experiences I got permission.
Thom: Coke is disgusting.
Michigan Girl: coke is good
Thom: Not Dr Pepper.
Michigan Girl: dr pepper is rancid
Thom: Really, you have no idea what you are talking about, am I not a policeman?
Michigan Girl: you are underage
Michigan Girl: and as your elder
Michigan Girl: i am more right than you
Thom: How many years are you my senior?
Michigan Girl: twenty
Thom: So you are 38?
Michigan Girl: SOON to be 21
Thom: For being the senior, not so wise are we?
Michigan Girl: how am i not wise
Michigan Girl: you are a fool mister popo
Thom: You did not read the question right!
Thom: Well, you have a point there, I am a policeman, thus an idiot, no questions about it,.
Michigan Girl: what question did i not understand
Thom: How many years are you my senior? Because it is often considered rude to ask a women's age, I just asked how many years older are you than I.
Michigan Girl: asking someone how many years they are is the same as asking how many years they have. which is essentially the same as asking how old they are.. not how many years older i am than you... i think you misunderstand your own question
Thom: If one were to ask, how much older are you than your brother/sister, one would answer, I am three years older than him/her, not I am fifteen, he/she is twelve, although they are asking the same thing the answers should be different because I am not asking for a sum, just the difference.
Michigan Girl: i understand that
Michigan Girl: but what you asked me originally was how old i was (in different form).. not how much older i was than you
Thom: How many years are you my senior? That is how many years are you older than I.
Michigan Girl: not to me
Michigan Girl: thats not how i would read that question
Thom: Thats it, I am taking a poll in this dorm.
Michigan Girl: and i bet if you showed that to anyone else they would agree with me
Thom: You want to be right and I want to be right and you are going to lose.
Michigan Girl: okay whater
Michigan Girl: *whatever
Michigan Girl: must be a california thing
Michigan Girl: but it clearly asks "how old are you"
Thom: Nope.
Thom: And don't stereotype Californians, that is not nice.
Michigan Girl: im not stereotyping
Thom: A Californian thing?
Michigan Girl: yea
Thom: Hardly.
Michigan Girl: thats not stereotyping persay
Michigan Girl: i didnt mean for it to sound derogatory
Michigan Girl: i mean maybe it really is a saying only used in california
Michigan Girl: thats why i dont understand it
Thom: You are from where?
Michigan Girl: michigan
Thom: All those lakes cloud your brain.
Michigan Girl: ouch. you got me there
Thom: You didn't take offense to anything in this conversation did you?
Michigan Girl: ha
Michigan Girl: not at all
Michigan Girl: did you?
Thom: No, no. I was playing the whole time.
Michigan Girl: so i am right
Thom: No.
Thom: I asked someone from Maine and they agreed.
Thom: It is acceptable to say yes, the total age, but the question specifically asks for the space between.
Michigan Girl: howso?!
Thom: Look at the question!
Thom: Do you have Yahoo?
Michigan Girl: okay
Michigan Girl: hold on
Michigan Girl: listen to me
Michigan Girl: i just reread it
Michigan Girl: and depending on the inflection you use in your voice when being asked the question
Michigan Girl: i believe you can take the question both ways
Michigan Girl: in my case
Michigan Girl: :
Michigan Girl: if i were the senior... you are asking me my age
Michigan Girl: in your case:
Michigan Girl: well yea i dont know how to explain it.. but i do see your side now
Thom: I agree that it can be answered either way and it would be fine, but it does only ask for the years/months/or days between, the roles notwithstanding.
Michigan Girl: therefore i think we are both right
Michigan Girl: garsh
Michigan Girl: that was exhausting
Thom: Yes.
Michigan Girl: im sorry for all that
Thom: We should bathe and relax.
Michigan Girl: ha
Michigan Girl: right on
Thom: Oh, I don't care, I still think I am right, and you think you are right, but yes, no big deal.
Michigan Girl: i didnt know cops bathed
Thom: Well, only in mud, because we are pigs.
Michigan Girl: well wait a minute
Michigan Girl: i thought you said that it could be interpreted both ways
Michigan Girl: hence we are both right
Thom: I said it is accepted both ways, but the question only asks one thing, both answers are fine, but I am saying that the question should really only be interpreted one way because it does not have numerous meanings.
Michigan Girl: blah blah blah
Michigan Girl: okay
Michigan Girl: well th en
Michigan Girl: we still have a disagreement
Michigan Girl: but yea
Michigan Girl: its over
Michigan Girl: youre a pig
Thom: Oh, I love you too.
Michigan Girl: i knew i loved you before i met you
Michigan Girl: ooh ooh
Thom: I knew I loved you when I was a sperm, and technically you can win because of the age...darn hag.
Michigan Girl: im actually laughing out loud
Michigan Girl: which i think is retarded of me
Michigan Girl: ooh.. bad choice of word
Thom: Yes.
Michigan Girl: um
Thom: I hate when people use it.
Thom: Not hate, just dislike.
Michigan Girl: i do too which is the ironic part
Thom: And I remember as a kid, the made the sounds and hit their hands on their chest as well.
Michigan Girl: Michigan Girl: which i think is lame of me
Michigan Girl: yea i remember that too
Thom: You didn't need to point that out, I learned how to read in high school.
Thom: Darn public education!
Michigan Girl: excuse me?
Michigan Girl: point what out?
Michigan Girl: i changed my word choice
Michigan Girl: thats all
Thom: Oh.
Thom: Good form.
Michigan Girl: i think you are hyper defensive
Thom: Like Dustin Hoffman says.
Michigan Girl: run home jack
Thom: No no, you just quoted yourself and not paying much attention I did not notice the change.
Thom: No no, the other way!
Michigan Girl: ooooh
Michigan Girl: home run jack!
Michigan Girl: you need a mother very very badly!
Thom: Have I never made a promise I haven't kept Jack? (Wait, he hadn't made any promises up to that point.)
Thom: ever.
Thom: not never.
Michigan Girl: good call
Thom: Bangarang.
Thom: Mold-eating, poop-feeding, only one pair of underwear, dumb carebear...chemistry substitute. (It was almost original, until the end.)
Michigan Girl: anywhoooo
Michigan Girl: (looks both ways)
Thom: Come on, it was funny dammit.
Michigan Girl: if by funny you mean un-funny
Michigan Girl: *kidding*
Michigan Girl: it was funny
Michigan Girl: good cop
Michigan Girl: *pat pat*
Thom: Oh, maybe you are too old to get it, it is alright, I got some prunes for you. Now take a nap!
Michigan Girl: awe. .. you remind me of the days when i used to be immature
Michigan Girl: this better be good
Michigan Girl: youve been typing forever
Thom: I am on the phone, give it up!
Michigan Girl: ahahahahaha
Michigan Girl: okay... well have a good night killer
Michigan Girl: it was all in good fun
Thom: You leaving?
Michigan Girl: yes i believe i am
Thom: Why? Am I not entertaining enough?
Michigan Girl: i am in search of niccotine
Michigan Girl: you are
Michigan Girl: but you are on the phone
Thom: Eww..smokers.
Michigan Girl: yes yes eewwww
Michigan Girl: <<>(back)
Thom: Where? Lower, upper, or mid?
Michigan Girl: mid
Thom: Good form.
Michigan Girl: oh you
Thom: Oh yes.
Michigan Girl: and for all the grief you have put me through i demand you make me a mix cd
Thom: Who are you to demand things like that?
Michigan Girl: Shawna B!
Thom: I am keeping you from your precious cigarettes, looks like someone has a new addiction.
Thom: Are you Melanie B's American cousin?
Michigan Girl: are you insinuating that i am scary?
Thom: No.
Thom: But I appreciate the comment.
Michigan Girl: are you sure
Michigan Girl: i am jewish
Thom: Well, then you are just a theif and a lost soul because you are supposed to be in Hollywood.
Michigan Girl: did i miss something?
Thom: It was stereotyping Jews.
Michigan Girl: ah
Michigan Girl: it was poor
Michigan Girl: i thought you were on the phone
Thom: You probably did not even get the reference.
Thom: I told you I was done with the phone, but I went upstairs.
Thom: To bother Tristan and Emily.
Michigan Girl: you never said you were done with the phone
Michigan Girl: but ok
Thom: Thom: I was just talking to my brother on the phone, he was curious what to get me for my birthday.
Thom: Wrong.
Thom: Was means past.
Michigan Girl: i never got that
Michigan Girl: i sweeeear
Thom: Well I typed it.
Michigan Girl: ha
Michigan Girl: thats weird then.,. because i never got that
Thom: Michigan Girl: no not at all
Michigan Girl: i am a terrific speller
Thom: I was just talking to my brother on the phone, he was curious what to get me for my birthday.
Michigan Girl: i just type really fast.. and i dont consider this a place where may grammar needs to be perfect at any time
Michigan Girl: oh..
Michigan Girl: well that explains it
Thom: I am batting a perfect average against you.
Michigan Girl: no
Michigan Girl: i was being sarcastic
Michigan Girl: because yet again
Michigan Girl: you throw a sentance at me
Thom: Sentence.
Michigan Girl: in which the meaning you say it has.. does not hold the meaning i read
Michigan Girl: nowhere in that SENTENCE does it say you just got off the phone
Thom: I did not realize I needed to be so blunt.
Thom: Look at the sence, I was just on the phone.
Thom: Time for a grammar lesson, take your seat.
Thom: Was is the past tense of is.
Thom: Was means something that happens in the past.
Michigan Girl: okay fine whatever
Thom: Example: What were you just doing Johnny? I WAS taking a bath mom.
Michigan Girl: im going to kill you
Michigan Girl: seriously
Thom: You are mad because you called me immature and all I have been doing is showing you up.
Michigan Girl: im not mad
Thom: You love me and you want to kill me then?
Thom: I just assumed one went with the other.
Michigan Girl: no
Michigan Girl: i dont want to kill you
Thom: Oh, you just are going to.
Michigan Girl: that was an impulsive statement that shouldnt have been said
Thom: Okay.
Thom: Forgiven.
Thom: But I will have a posse now to protect me.
Michigan Girl: i'm really not as stupid as you think i am
Thom: I didn't think you were by the way.
Michigan Girl: well good
Thom: Hold on, I am working on my inch worm (you could probably interpret that one way, and I am expecting you to, but it will be wrong).
Michigan Girl: alright
Michigan Girl: and i honestly dont know how to interpret that... for the record
Thom: I made sure the stenographer wrote that down.
Michigan Girl: bless your heart
Michigan Girl: this would be a good time for me to get some niccotine
Thom: Will you be back?
Michigan Girl: probably
Michigan Girl: i mean
Michigan Girl: yes
Thom: How soon are we talking?
Michigan Girl: 25 minutes
Thom: Good, I will work on my inch worm then shower.
Michigan Girl: can i ask
Michigan Girl: and i think you know what im talking about
Thom: You will see.
Thom: Eventually.
Michigan Girl: cant wait
Michigan Girl: okay. talk to you later.
Thom: Going to have to, it isn't done.
Michigan Girl: hey look!
Michigan Girl: i used periods
Michigan Girl: l
Michigan Girl: .
Thom: I am rubbing off on you.
Thom: Damn follower.
Michigan Girl: awe
Thom: You still there?
Michigan Girl: yes
Michigan Girl: phone]
Thom: Ooh, we should try to not copy me for five minutes.
Thom: Look at my journal, you will see the inch worm.
Michigan Girl: ok
Thom: You see?
Michigan Girl: phone -- present tense
Thom: Keep trying.
Thom: I didn't realize multitasking was so difficult.
Michigan Girl: phone -- past tense
Michigan Girl: now im off to walmart -- present tense
Michigan Girl: ill be back soon -- future tense
Thom: I am going to get naked---forever tense.
Michigan Girl: i wish i could get naked forever
Michigan Girl: okay talk to you later home skillet
Thom: Bye bye.
Michigan Girl: was that 25 minutes?
Thom: Well, I was about half a jerk done, so yes.
Thom: On the dot.
Michigan Girl: speaking of which
Michigan Girl: youre inch worm is cute
Thom: That is just a fraction of it...baby.
Thom: You should comment!
Michigan Girl: you never comment in my journal. pshhhhha
Thom: Um, I promise I will if you do for me?
Michigan Girl: i dont want pitty comments
Michigan Girl: but yes. i will comment in due time
Thom: They won't be pitty comments.
Michigan Girl: ah alright
Michigan Girl: hey. i have a present for you
Thom: Yes?
Michigan Girl:
http://nuthouse.org/~adam/cupholder.jpgMichigan Girl: you have to really look at it though
Thom: Is it one of those things that will flash up a scary face?
Michigan Girl: no
Michigan Girl: did you go there/
Michigan Girl: yet
Thom: If this in any way fuckes up my computer I am going to be pissed.
Thom: Yes.
Michigan Girl: ...
Thom: It opened my cd drive yes?
Michigan Girl: did anything happen?
Michigan Girl: yes
Michigan Girl: hahah
Michigan Girl: did it scare you?
Thom: Nope.
Michigan Girl: yea i didnt think so
Thom: Sorry.
Michigan Girl: it wouldnt work on my computer
Thom: Why not?
Michigan Girl: i dont know
Michigan Girl: i think because its old
Thom: Boo on commodores!
Michigan Girl: want to know something funny
Michigan Girl: but not funny
Thom: Sure?
Michigan Girl: i just bought smokes
Michigan Girl: and i have no fire
Thom: Pull an Indian (no, that is not racist or a slur or anything, I guess Native Americans are going back to being called Indians).
Michigan Girl: i live on an indian reservation
Thom: Do you?
Michigan Girl: yes
Michigan Girl: my university is on indian land
Thom: What university is this?
Michigan Girl: central michigan university
Michigan Girl: we have a huge casino resort and everything
Thom: Nice.
Thom: And those are eighteen plus right?
Thom: Well, it doesn't matter, you almost being twenty-one.
Michigan Girl: yes
Michigan Girl: correct you are
Michigan Girl: looks like i wont be the first to comment
Michigan Girl: grammatical errors and all
Michigan Girl: im sure you'll find it right away
Thom: I messed up?
Michigan Girl: no
Michigan Girl: i did
Michigan Girl: you are god . you dont mess up.
Thom: I do.
Thom: What did you mess up with?
Michigan Girl: youre
Thom: On a comment?
Michigan Girl: yes
Thom: I don't mind.
Thom: A comment is a comment is a comment.
Michigan Girl: oh.
Michigan Girl: my bad
Michigan Girl: i could just see you sitting at your computer
Michigan Girl: looking at gramatical errors
Michigan Girl: and going insane
Thom: I smiled, but no.
Thom: I really am indifferent towards most things in life.
Michigan Girl: good
Michigan Girl: then we can be friends again
Thom: When did you undeclare friendship and when did I accept the friendship to begin with eh?
Michigan Girl: now i am a fool
Thom: No no, I kid, we are buds.
Michigan Girl: now im not so sure
Thom: You are just playing hard to get.
Michigan Girl: i dont know how to play that game
Thom: Why not?
Michigan Girl: no one ever taught me
Thom: As a woman, I don't think you are to be taught it, it is inbred.
Thom: Inate if you will.
Thom: Part of that extra x chromosome.
Michigan Girl: oh
Michigan Girl: well ive always thought of myself as a gay man trapped in a female body
Thom: Then you are neat and have wonderful style.
Michigan Girl: i completely agree with you on that
Michigan Girl: i think i have been on the computer far too long
Thom: Oh, I see, I see indeed.
Michigan Girl: my eyesight is failing
Thom: Mind if I post the entirety of this conversation in my journal? I found it to be amusing.
Michigan Girl: yes
Michigan Girl: you may
Thom: Thank you.
Thom: You off then?
Michigan Girl: a hah!
Michigan Girl: i see i am not the only one you are demanding comments from
Thom: Perhaps? Perhaps I am vain.
Thom: Perhpas I just want to see what people think and me forcing them gets it out of them.
Michigan Girl: sometimes i hate you
Michigan Girl: but it doesnt last long
Michigan Girl: for now i know .. you really are a unique and witty individual
Michigan Girl: may the schwartz be with you
Thom: Thank you.
Thom: Yes. I do not wear rings, but this one will be an exception.
Michigan Girl: alright i must retreat
Michigan Girl: farewell
Thom: Night. Pleasure talking to you.
Michigan Girl: likewise