Hey dude...sorry about saturday. I was kinda stoned at that hour...yes I do have a blog....but what do you want to find out 'bout me that you feel like you can't ask anyways? :) the blog is just one facet.
Jaxxiii : the actors in the movie are your type lah, you shouldn't complain about the size....of the pictures. *wags finger*
Shou Chen's blog very fun one. Got song. But I very sad because he took away Damien Rice's Blower's Daughter.
If you visit his blog, you will find naked pictures of his boyfriend, Nacho.
Jaxx: Let's get the T-shirts done~! I'm sure Che is undergoing a gay revival, what with Gael Garcia Bernal playing him in the Motorcycle Diaries and now Bruce LaBruce plastering him as wallpaper all over the nutty Marxist's fuckpad!
Comments 10
And as Gundrun shouted in the movie, "Heterosexuality is the opiate of the masses! Join the homosexual intifada!"
Jaxxiii : the actors in the movie are your type lah, you shouldn't complain about the size....of the pictures. *wags finger*
If you visit his blog, you will find naked pictures of his boyfriend, Nacho.
Jaxx: Let's get the T-shirts done~! I'm sure Che is undergoing a gay revival, what with Gael Garcia Bernal playing him in the Motorcycle Diaries and now Bruce LaBruce plastering him as wallpaper all over the nutty Marxist's fuckpad!
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