Opposite Gender Stamp? Yes
Name: Katie
Age: Sixteen
Horoscope: Aquarius
Five positive attributes about you: Affectionate, artistic, confident, bold, and optimistic.
Five negative attributes about you: Indecisive, impatient, stubborn, sarcastic, and obnoxious.
Likes: Short days followed with long nights, a good book, candles, music, art, singing on stage, sugar cookies, full moons, movie marathons with friends instead of school dances, dressing up, and a good cup of coffee.
Dislikes: Eyeliner, loosing things at the worst times, being absent minded, math, new moons, when clothes don't fit, irony at the worst times, and doing horribly at an audition.
What do you value in a mate? Romantic, spontaneous, not afraid to be himself, open-minded, protective of those he loves and gives them space when they need it, looks out for what’s best without meddling, caring, brave, bold, loyal, and very free-spirited.
Name one thing you could never stand in a relationship. Cheating.
Name one thing you HAVE to have in your relationship. I'd hate to be in a relationship where he is very dependent of me.
Anything important you'd like to add? Thank you for voting.