Sometimes I think I watch TV differently than most of the world, and I'm not sure my way is healthy.
I'd sort of assumed that my next LJ post would be about my new home state, new job, new apartment, new personal and fiscal responsibility... you know, SOMETHING about graduating, moving hundreds of miles away, and beginning the first chapter of my
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Comments 17
IDK though talking about adult life and what's going on that is such a revolutionary thought but methinks you should but that's just myself and I
I think that a lot of times, stories and media are developed to be about a specific person, even when that person does impact other people around themselves and they too develop, and sometimes it may end up like ASoIaF, rarely. But I think it tends to be more of a case that a lot of people tend to pick favorites early on, and cheer on Character X.
I KNEW IT ALL ALONG YOU WERE ALWAYS A ROSE FANI don't think that it is realistic for people should be expected to bond emotionally to every potentially awesome character that flits across the screen, particularly with Doctor Who, given the nature of show and companions. Being able to recognize their traits or the character as being awesome on an intellectual level is enough, I feel like. But I think it is normal for people to ( ... )
(Eleven's also technically been married to multiple people, if we're assuming he went through with Monroe, and there's the issue of Idris)
Character development is always something I want to see, no matter the show or the size of the ensemble. All the characters should develop.
Sometimes, I care about so many of them. For me that's something like Fringe, they're all my characters. I can't pick favourites, I can't hope for the good of one at the expense of all the rest. To me, they're a set.
However, other times I tend to favour a specific one or two characters and get frustrated if they are messed with. Such as Rose. She (and yes, Nine) are the reason I started watching DW and part of the reason I fell in love with the show. More than the Doctor, Rose was mine. So when she got messed with, I got annoyed (eg. GitF ( ... )
I can't say I've ever enjoyed River, but I did like Amy more in early S5, before I realized she wasn't going to show any consistent development...
Amy, I didn't mind her early on. Then, as you say... When I realised she was never going to develop I just got more and more frustrated. Now, I know the Ponds are leaving and I can't bring myself to care in the slightest...
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