Title: Down the Drain Fandom: Sherlock (BBC) Word Count: 828 Rating: PG Note: Amnesty prompt for watsons_woes - imprisonment. Summary: John wakes up in a sewer. Now continued in Arising.
I picture my muse as a big surly dude with a beard and a tutu. And he's pissed about it. :P He often leaves town after giving me the initial idea of a story. I'll have to hunt him down and drag him back...
This is a brilliant fill! John whump with potential for more John whump makes me oh so happy. John being slightly confused about all sorts of things due the head injury was a great idea in writing this. It makes you worry for him and kind of want to laugh at him at the same time.
Until the water bit. So we're clear there.
Also, tell your ,use I will hunt him down, big burly self and all, strip him of his tu-tu and force him to wear an even more embarrassing men's swimsuit from the Olympics. The little ones. Where everything is either squeezed or hanging out. I will do this if he doesn't allow you to continue this bit of story in some way/shape/form in the very near future.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :) And I think your threat of making my muse wear tiny speedos worked - he dumped a great big helping of h/c inspiration on me for an addition to this.
Comments 18
Until the water bit. So we're clear there.
Also, tell your ,use I will hunt him down, big burly self and all, strip him of his tu-tu and force him to wear an even more embarrassing men's swimsuit from the Olympics. The little ones. Where everything is either squeezed or hanging out. I will do this if he doesn't allow you to continue this bit of story in some way/shape/form in the very near future.
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