Picture time! Some random ones, plus lots of food pictures because I went to Miyako Mart yesterday and today after lunch. :D
I went to Office Depot sometime last week and my parents bought me this pink Vaio laptop because I apparently need a separate laptop for college next year- it's a requirement of some sort, but I don't mind. It's beautiful. *A*~
Yay! for refreshing Jaejoong wallpaper. ♥
While at Office Depot, I found this amazing wall with Sharpie markers with different sized tips. So I ended up drawing and writing random gibberish on the writing/drawing pad that was set up to test the pens. SO AWESOME. It's pretty cool to see what other people randomly write on that stuff.
Made some more cupcakes a few days ago. ^^ This time it's Fudge Marble! It was a bit different because there was two separate batters, but I had a lot of fun making it. That one lone cupcake had a pretty decent design on it; I was slightly proud of myself, haha.
My parents bought this gynormous Swiss roll thing at Miyako Mart yesterday. I didn't actually get to taste it because they ate it all, but it's all right. My grandma bought some today, so I'll make sure to grab some before it disappears. :'D
I did, however, get my own Strawberry roll, so I was satisfied! It was very delicious. ♥ Strawberries = yum~ My favorite.
Bought some more melon bread yesterday. xD Sadly, it seems like they ran out today since there weren't any inside the fridge at the store.
Freaking amazing ice cream thing. It's shaped a bit like a chocolate bar, but the top and bottom layers on the inside of the shell have chocolate pieces and between those is vanilla ice cream, as shown on the wrapper. xD IT WAS SO GOOD. But I was stupid and put it in the fridge and not the freezer, so when I first opened it I spilled a little bit of the vanilla ice cream on the table. It was such a waste. D:
There was this butter scotch candy that was called Chelsea! The box is so pretty, even the wrapper is, too. ♥ My mom's like, "let's buy it!"- turns out it was pretty tasty~
I finally got to taste the dango that I've been eying for the past couple visits to the Miyako Mart. ♥♥ IT'S SO CUTE AND YUMMY. I suggest trying dango, it's quite delicious. :9
My brother's been playing Star Ocean 4 recently and hukldbhajkgbda I'm like, gaga over Faize and the pairing Faize/Lymle. ♥ SO ADORABLE. I want someone to fic it. so. badly. *A* But for now, I can ogle fanart, haha. MY ICON, GUYS. That's them right thurr. 8D
I have school tomorrow. My spring break is over. ;o; It passed by so fast! If only normal school weeks passed that quickly, haha.