I have more food things to post! I decided to eat some more strawberries that were in the fridge after dinner, so I took pictures. 8D
Here's a waffle (we had no Belgian waffles- I was sad about that D:) with some whipped cream and strawberries on top. ♥
And here's some strawberry cheesecake ice cream along with some vanilla ice cream, strawberries, and whipped cream. *w*;
I keep posting up photos of food, haha. I also did this handwriting meme back in March sometime. I never got around to posting it up, rofl.
1) Your name/user name.
2) Right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous?
3) Favorite letters to write.
4) Least favorite letters to write.
5) Write “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
6) Write the following words in capital letters:
7) Write your favorite song lyric.
8) Tag people!
9) Any special note or picture
I've been busy with school (as usual), especially since it's April and things are starting to get hectic with the semester nearing its end. >>; I have portfolio review at the end of the semester and preparing for it is going to be killer, gah. It determines if I get into the graphic arts major or not. ;w; I HOPE I MAKE IT. People keep telling me not to worry, so I'm trying not to, haha.
Anyway! I'm off to go work on that now. :'D