Because everyone else is doing this, and I lack originality, a thing for those who hath friended me. Excuse me if this is sappy, I shall of course make up for it with a suitably heartless post.
niav What can I say? It is very interesting reading my sister's journal when she's asleep, as I'm sure you do to me.
malfoypatriarch You are a fantastic mod and you play Lucius perfectly, I absolutely love your drabbles and you have a wonderful sense of humour.
tcregan You are possibly the easiest person to talk to I know, you are a very devoted mod to the IC. However, I may be forced to subject you to large amounts of pointless angst for not putting me on your friends thingymajig, I hold tragic and angsty grudges.
slytherin_dream I'm not on your friend's list, but since you are a mod for the IC, its only fair to put you on. Keep up the good work.
onlyoot You play Neville fantastically and are a great asset to the IC.
weasleycest4eva No, I didn't forget you, this was always here *shifty eyes* Anyway, you are a fabulouso member of the IC and I hope you continue to brim over with superbness.
After that I feel I may be forced to wash out my mouth with soap.