You, Jimmy, are an obnoxious ass of a stalker, and desperately need to be fucked to death by herpes-infested priapic rhinos. I talked with you once, maybe twice in the course of playing an online game, which I left in part because of you, and now you act like we're fucking soul mates or something. Get over it, you worthless waste of complex proteins. I DON'T LIKE YOU. Even before your months of harassing me on social networks, being a dick and whoring my email around (how the unholy fuck did you even get it?) trying to get my attention, so that I get ten times the spam I used to get, I didn't like you. You stupid, pathetic, ugly, mentally unstable social reject, I did not think I could possibly be any less interested in knowing you, until you started this shit. Do you not get that many months of ignoring, blocking, banning and reporting you might mean that I utterly loathe you? Are you too much of a loser to understand that your repetitive emails and lameass poetry don't impress me, but just make me want to rip your fucking liver out and shove it down your throat? That I am not about to join MySpace or any other site because you invite me, that I no longer have a MySpace page because of you?
You are a child, and an immature one, at that. The fact that you are so relentlessly pursuing a girl ten years your senior, who clearly wants nothing to do with you, is fucking ridiculous. Let's see if I can make this absolutely clear: If you were the last sentient life form in the universe, I would not acknowledge you, I would rather spend the remainder of my days consorting with slime molds than suffer one tedious conversation with such a pitiful excuse for a primate. If that is too many big words for you, try this: fuck off and die a slow, painful death.