It must be encoded on the Y chromosome somewhere.

Jul 06, 2010 14:57

Men like to be hurt by women, that is the only thing I can come up with to explain their behavior. Given a choice between someone who will treat them well and someone who will manipulate, use and emotionally gut them, oh, you can be sure the manipulative bitches will win. Every time. And then the men who are abused by them come to complain and seek emotional, sexual, even financial (yeah, hello debt) support from someone like me, before crawling back to the abusive women they actually want. It is unbelievably perverse, is epidemic among otherwise decent men, and there doesn't seem to be a cure. I have been told by so many women, even my own mother, that I am single because I don't act the way men expect a woman to act, that until I do I will continue to be the backup girl. Well fuck them all, if that is the case, they don't deserve me. I am not going to sacrifice who I am or become a worse person, not even for someone I love. I am better than that. It is why I have been so careful for so long to only allow myself to get involved with men I don't like or care about, so I can walk away without damage when it becomes more hurtful than fun. I have mostly made my peace with being alone, though twenty years of being cast off or used as backup for cruel women has, if nothing else, provided scars that will always be with me. If only I had the will to renounce men entirely, I could save myself such pain.

Is it any wonder that I have no faith in mankind?
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