i just thought those were some cute icons.♥
i know...i don`t have pics up yet.
but really...don`t worry i WiLL!=)
let`s start with
we left the house at like 9:30 am.
then we got at a hotel in North Carolina at like 6:30 pm.
yeah...L0NG drive.
but then we went to 0UTBACK for dinner.=)
we left the hotel at like 10:30.
then it took us awhile to actually find where to get to the Biltmore.
but then we found it.
and it takes like 15 freakin` minutes to get down the driveway.--haha
when we got to the was beautiful.
we had to wait like 2 hours before we could get in. but the ice cream was wayyy good:)
then it took about 1 and a half hours to get through the house.
we didn`t go in every room...cause it`s jusy way too big like that.
then we went to the WiNERY.
that was pretty funnnn.
their grape juice is like really
since me and jordan couldn`t taste the wine.
then the way home was pretty fun.
i listened to music like the whole way=)
went to my grandmother`s for some baby shower.
it was boring.
so that day was like a waste of my time.
i went SH0PPiNG!
first mall/macy's: i got 2 pairs of jeans and 3 shirts.
Summit/Bakers: 2 pairs of shoes and a really cute belt.=)
Saks: got some Stella and bronzer for my sister. actually i didn't really like it in there.
it`s just too RiCH for me:)
but i did see some Christian Dior sunglasses that i love.
and then we test drove a black Celica which was pretty awesome...!
then i came home, got ready, then picked Corey up.
me,corey,jordan,austin,and my mom all went to Bonefish Grill.
it was S0 good.=)
thennnnn we came back to my house and watched The Amityville Horror.
it wasn`t that scary.
but yeah that was day was very good!!
then i had to go to the orthodontist..ehh.
long update.
i`ll have pictures whenever i feel like putting them up.