My Sister in Law gave me a PEZ Penguin for christmas as a stocking stuffer.. and feeling the urge for some sweet pez'y goodness i opened it today...
Does anybody else find it desturbing that the thing you eat is only availbe to you once you pull the head off the poor PEZ and than eat what ever pertrudes from its neck?
In case you missed it. Here is the Washington Post's Mensa Invitational, which once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition
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I am veeeeery tired... i am waiting for 6:30 to get here... I need to go home.. i was called in an hour and a half early... and i already didn't feel good at that point.. but add to that... I have to be back here by 3pm. Uggg. Fun times
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Have you ever gotten heart burn.. but on your side.. but I guess it's not heartburn.. it's like sideburn.. but it's not on my face... ugg! - Brittie
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I miss talking with Tristan.. i was going back in my entrys from 2007.. and realised I haven't had a real talk with her ina bout two years.. wow. last I heard from her was about 5 months ago.. dang
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Ps. grandma Nelson had a mild stroke on Sunday... followed by her heart defibing (you know.. flat lining.) and she didn't know it was happening.. all the docters came running in.. so they installed a pace maker.. today i go into work from 3-11pm
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