Title: Wings Author: sweet_like_choc Pairing/Character: Lilly, Ensemble Word Count: 885 Rating: PG: 13 (for one bad word) Summary: Lilly flew… Spoilers/Warnings: Up to 1X22 Leave it to Beaver. No Season 2
Wow. This is amazing in a way that it really shouldn't be. The image should be silly, but it's not. It's just so true to who Lilly is and what Neptune is and God, Lilly flies. Lilly's always been able to fly. I love Jake crying over it and Logan's wings being ripped off; I just... This is the very best use of metaphor. Seriously.
Typo: Lilly had watched her get smaller and smaller as the smile on her fact grew larger and larger. Should be face?
Comments 4
My only problem is that Lilly is spelled with two ls.
Thank you- I'm glad you liked :)
Wow. This is amazing in a way that it really shouldn't be. The image should be silly, but it's not. It's just so true to who Lilly is and what Neptune is and God, Lilly flies. Lilly's always been able to fly. I love Jake crying over it and Logan's wings being ripped off; I just... This is the very best use of metaphor. Seriously.
Typo: Lilly had watched her get smaller and smaller as the smile on her fact grew larger and larger. Should be face?
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