It's like high school again. only waking up in college. And I'm gonna be the most baddest chef ever. Just remember my name and look for it in the Health section. it'll read, "Chef Jeff (dot-dot-dot)"
Karma works in the strangest ways (god, how cliche), but very true.
i.e. Twenty dollars fell out of my pocket today, I don't know when and I don't know how. Five minutes later, as I walk to my car, I find Twenty-Five cents.
Thanksgiving was nice with the family. The game "Guesstures" developed a new bonding with everyone. And to ruin the night, a few of us watched Alexander, which is the last "gay" movie I will ever see.
HEALTH TIP: Don't eat burnt food. It is carcinogenic. They cause cancer. Isn't that nice. And if your cooking oil starts to smoke, discard it. It, as well, is carcinogenic. "I only tell you this because we're such good friends"