Today I went to Work and worked. I talked to Trisha and got a new layout for my xanga.. Which I love! I have time to waste so I will babble. Um blah blah blah... I miss Devin, Angela, blah keebler, Blah home.
Ok there I babbled.
When you kiss to the sky there are stars.. When you kiss my head there are Dreams...
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Jun 16, 2005 00:10
Man I missed my deadline!
Well just pretend its 11 days left. Anyway not much happened today. I talked to Hayle A. I know weird right? and Trisha called! YAY! well I worked today and thats pretty much it. Me and Trisha have been talking online and I have to talk to Devin and Erica to see about when their going to camp.
Well thats it...