Title: Vignettes: New York State of Mind
Author: sweet_poeia
Pairing:Adam Lambert/Kris Allen
Rating: PG
Words: 1,060
Disclaimer: Completely fabricated. No disrespect intended.
Notes: Schmoop without plot. Fluff tapas, if you will. Title from the Billy Joel song.
Summary: A collection of moments in a New York hideaway.
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Comments 76
Beautiful. Thank you.
So beautiful though. So, so beautiful.
I will write something completely ridiculous and lulzy to make up for it. It may involve elves.
Your icon always makes me smile, btw. :D
Sometimes Kris sleepwalks. Sometimes he has nightmares. At night, he is a restless creature. On this night, he wakes in a panic to find Adam there, and rather than being enough it makes him ache for more, and more, and more. He reaches for Adam, pulls him from sleep with a thick, coarse rope. He tries to climb inside Adam, biting his shoulders, raking his back. Surely there is a way, some stone he can twist, some Open Sesame that will get him where he needs to be. And then at last Adam is all around him and inside him, relentless as the sea, bringing him home.
this is my favourite part...............<333333333333333333333333333333333
the whole thing just reduced me to tears.....happy...bittersweet tears..........
i love kris and adam so much.....
thanks for writing this bb!!! <33333333333333333333
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