Gender/ Female
Sexual Preference:: Guys
Favs/ not so favs-
5 Likes:: Strawberries, Pictures, Cute headbands, My i-pod, green, and coloring.
5 Dislikes:: meat, feet, spanish, circles and drama.
Top ten favorite bands::
Hawthorne Heights
The Bled
Fear Before March of Flames
Vendetta Red
Awake and Alert
XY Zebra
My Chemical Romance
The Yellows
Reindeer Games
A couple bands you dislike::
Dashboard COnfessional, NYSYNC and Britany Spears
Favorite movie(s)::Garden State, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Mulan.
Your favorite lyric from a song. which song, by whom, and why?:
"I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned." Such Great Heights By The Postal Service. I love this quote because its so random and cute at the smae time.
Advertise our community with a banner from below and show us the link::
http://www.livejournal.com/community/______beauty/6150.html How did you find us?:: Random Search
Something unique about yourself:: I teach mentally challenged kid to read.
What are your views on racisim?:: Racisim was taught way back when and it probably was taught to many people gradparents who taught it to our parents and some parents taught it to their children so it was forced upon them and maybe they just dont want to dissapoint their parents. But they should have learned by now that we all are equal.
Are you racist?:: No
Views on gay/lesbian marriages:: Well our parents have always said you can help who you fall in love with. Well what if you fall in love with someone of the same sex? WHy is it suddenly so bad?
Views on abortion:: If ou made the mistake by having sex and getting pregnant then you should have to deal with the consequences as with anything else. If you were raped then have the child and give him/her up for adoption. Many people out there can't have kids and want one.
Add three pictures. Two have to be clear shot of the face. no blurry, please.