john, tom, jordan, todd, & the other boys involved in what happened today at school are the funniest people i know. total dumbasses, but they are the funniest people i know.
see monique's journal [or below] for full details of the event that took place at around 3:45pm after school today. terrifying & yet absolutely hilarious.
okay well, today was supossed to just be a normal, regular old school day. it was, until about 3:30.. there were helicopters circling unusually low overhead and we [me, mo, & kate] were getting mad because we thought it was too loud. a few minutes later they were yelling at all of the students while slowly circling lower and lower. they were telling us that the police were coming soon, seek cover, machine guns. the words in between those key words were too hard to make out because there was already so much noise. we panicked and began to call our parents as quickly as we could and while nervously walking through the halls, helicopters still circling loudly overhead, an announcement cam over the loud speaker: "Hello everyone, this is Brother Tom. Hopefully you can all hear me, because I have an important announcement to make. Students on campus need to find the nearest classroom to them and take shelter. This is an official lock down drill. Please, be careful. Again, take shelter in the nearest classroom as quickly as you can. This is an official lock down drill....." and the speaker just faded out as we ran into room 315 and immediately hid under a large desk, shaking in fear. Our teacher and fellow peers were all terrified and the teacher that was in the room with us sat quietly and began to pray. A few people, including myself, began to cry. It was a terrifying experience... but as time went by, about ten minutes total, we realized what had happened. it was john. john and all the boys that were doing that stupid film project for film studies about a mophia.. they had been running through the local neighborhood filming their project and usuing their airsoft guns as props in the movie. a local resident got scared and called the authorities and it all went downhill from there. after we found out for sure that is was them, we ran out of the classroom looking for john and tom and the others. sure enoguh, we found them. they explained what happened and we all had a good laugh about it. basically, thats the story that you need to know. everything else is just "inside humor" and personal business.. sorry... but it is.