So, Im going to this hot air balloon thing today, and its going to be long and I'm kinda not wanting to go, but oh well, I sort of have to
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So, I'm really pissed off about Friday's game! Don't even ask! I don't even want to talk about it! I really wanted to go so I could hang oout with everyone, but my parents had a change of plans!!!! I really wanted to see Rob, well I had already saw him, but I wanted to hang out with him. Ahhhh, I'm sooo pissed!!!! :( Heather
So i'm not sure if he's gonna ask me out, but I really hope he does. I'm sure you guys are sick of me talking about it so I'll stop! Conditioning after school today sucked cuz I hadn't been in a month so I'm really out of shape! I really have to go more often! LOL
So, I really like Rob. Yeah, and everyone says he does flirt, but he's not a player. Thats good, cuz he doesn't seem that way! I saw him today twice for like 2 seconds, but I didn't get to talk to him
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So, if anyone talks to Garren, give him my number! I need to talk to him about Saturday. My mom wants him to come over before we go to Ryann's. She just wants a pic and then we'll leave, but I need to tell him
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So, I'm pretty excited about c/h, but I have to talk to Garren about what we're doin. I know we're going to Ry';s, but my parents wnat him to come over for a picture before, so I have to call him
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