How often do you paint your nails? not very often
Are they painted right now? my toes are
What color? pink
Do you get your hair highlighted? i used to..and im gonna start again
If so, what colors & how often? blonde
Have you ever gotten a manicure? no, but again.. im going to soon
If so, how often? ...
What is your favorite beauty salon? idk
Do you like to go shopping? yeah
What is your favorite mall? eastview or marketplace
How much do you usually spend on 1 trip to the mall? whatever i brought with me
What color do you want to be your car to be? idk
Do you pop your collar? no
Do you make sure that you are in style with everyone else when it comes to clothes? i like to be
Do you care what other people think of you? it depends on what they think of me
Do you get jealous if someone is prettier or better than you? not really
Do you think you're pretty? mmmm NO
Which celebrity do you think you are most like? i dont know
Have you ever been a Barbie for Halloween? no
Are you friends with more girls or guys? its like equal
Do you have one friend you hang out with or many different? both
How many bathing suits do you have? like 1! yeah i know i need to go shoppingg!
How long do you wait until you rewear something? after ive worn the other clothes i wanted to... then i will
Do you compare yourself to other people? yeah
Do you diet? no
Are you afraid to eat a lot around guys? no
Do you go more for preps or skaters? preps
What is a typical weekend with you & your friends? depends on which friend
Do you consider yourself a girly girl? yeah
Do you try to look perfect everyday? i try to look good every day..doesnt work, but still.
Do you carry a purse with you everywhere? yup
Do you have a cell? yeah
Do you carry a mirror around with you? its in my purse
Do you carry a brush around with you? its in my purse
Are you the type to fix your make up & brush your hair in class? yeah, all the time.