[ooc] Player Info Meme

Nov 07, 2010 15:11

Because I've never done this before, I don't think.

I am decultures, people always call me Deji as my online alias. I'm totally cool with being called by my character's names too!
I play
hymnsnextdoor (Ar Tonelico series)
oneminuteearly (Angel Beats!)
royalbrocon (Tales of Legendia)
plzdontdrop (Fragile Dreams)

Contact Methods:
Email/Gmail: blachimonts at gmail!
IRC Nicks: Otonashi, Luca, Shirley, and Seto!

I am usually always nicked to Otonashi so feel free to ping me there if you ever need me! I don't hang out in mainchan since I'm not that great with large chats. :( I am usually signed on when I'm on a computer so feel free to grab me for whatever whenever!

Timezone and Scheduling Issues: HST. My timezone is pretty weird since I'm in the past against most other timezones. But I can force myself to stay up late if I can! :(a

Posting/Jumping/Thread-Dropping: I am horrible with posting. I usually only do coposts because of that sob. I like jumping/being jumped a lot, though! Also the only times I'll ever drop a thread is if I forget or if I feel like the thread is good as is. If you ever want me to pick up a thread just grab me/ping me and I'll get right to it!

Comfort Levels: I am cool with just about anything! If I have problems with anything, I will most likely tell you since I don't know when to shut up.

Concrit/OOC issues: I have concrit posts in all my character's journals! Go ahead and use those for whatever you need. I try to comment to cfud_concrit as often I can. Also I am also always up for being bugged on gmail or in a PM!

Goals: Have fun! |D I just want to RP and have fun with people. Awesome antics, awesome CR, whatever I just want to have fun overall.

Essays and Memes: I fail at essays! But I do enjoy ranting a lot. Memes are always awesome.

Beta-ing: I like betaing! I prefer helping out to figure out flow and voice in apps. I can do both canon blind and canon familiar. If you ever want/need a beta just go ahead and grab me!

AU-ing: The one thing in RP land that I will never be able to do :( I'm sorry but I just can't.

Final Comments: Nothing worth noting that I haven't already said! |D/

player info, !ooc, meme

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