eryx13: Ok man, i need you. This is your thing.
revrabbidan: qua?
eryx13: Without downloading, tell me:
eryx13: What the FUCK is going on there?
revrabbidan: gimme a sec
revrabbidan: that would be explosive diahrea
eryx13: with christmas bells in it?!
revrabbidan: yup
eryx13: ...the hell.
revrabbidan: the japanese are weird
eryx13: no shit.
And So, i Was Silent For a Moment...Filling My Life With Horrors.
eryx13: oh god i watched it...
revrabbidan: any good?
eryx13: sweet fuck that's wrong
eryx13: the bells go into matrix time....
revrabbidan: thats what happens
revrabbidan: i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it was anal beads gone wrong
eryx13: my god... do you know all porn....
revrabbidan: eh
That man scares me in his amazing knowledge...
Mr.Ho drove to my house today. He only got lost once and ran off the road once. Very good for John.
The doctor says i don't have what all the doctors say i have now. And apparently, i don't need a transplant.
Last week, my grandmother turned yellow and went to the hospital with, get this, a collapsed bile duct.
no shit.
They've placed a stent and she's as stubborn as she's been.
she says i was her 'guide through it all' and that she thought about how if i could do it, she could do it. twas very sweet.
But if it's hereditary, we's gonna fight for it, cuz she's stealing my thunder.