Warning: This is super long and super packed full of Jatey goodness. I mean, it's seriously creepy how much Jate I put into this one post. The only possible outcome of reading this entire post is for your brain to overload and then come out a Jate mush pile.
But, Jate mush piles are fun so... click the cut.
I dare you.
Because I am REELLY bored )
Comments 60
Okay, I am so coming back to read this entire post again and again, as I only have time to skim it right now, but... *dies*
thanks for this Jate mega post - it warmed my heart :)
Ah, Kate-hate. It's a sad, sad sickness, and I'd probably suffer from it myself if I didn't see so many of my own traits (both the good and bad) in her character.
If I do manage to suck you in, then that makes the whole post worthy. :D
Jack: You obviously don't know me very well. *wink*
LMAO! Love that.
Awesome post! I read the whole thing and was just in awe. Thank you for the fanfic pimping. Lovely little reading session I had there :P
My brain is mush. Just a huge heap of Jate mush... and I love it :) ♥
hee, it's the good kind of mush, so it's totally okay, lol.
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