1. gum: sweet mint orbit...yummy.
2. restaurant: oh wow. i love food. that's tough...i have no idea.
3. drink: good red wine...malbec or shiraz from australia or south america (i love that my parents travel for a living)
4. season: Summer! no contest.
5. type of weather: hot but comfortable. perfect summer day weather.
6. type of emotion: happiness...giddiness
8. late-night activity: going out with sierra
9. sport: to play - volleyball. and as far as watching....i like cal football.
10. city: i have a lot of favorites. i love to travel. maybe miami, san diego, or madrid.
11. store: steve madden.
When was the last time you-
12. cried: When I thought my house might burn down and found out my old house did
13. played a sport: i played lodge volleyball this spring...does that count?
14. laughed: sometime today with dad. he's funny.
15. hugged someone: uh, 2 days ago? i lost track. i need a hug!
16. kissed someone: oh how i neglected my lifepartner...awww. mom kissed me goodnight last night though. so, do cheeks count?
17. felt depressed: 2 days ago because i don't know what to do with my life
18. felt overworked: thesis crunch time
19. felt sick: right now. i ate too much.
What was the last-
20. word you said: true
21. thing you ate: my mom made this ice cream topping with cinnamon apples and raspberries heated up in grand marnier. i didn't eat the ice cream but i had a little topping. damn good.
22. song you listened to: that song with the whistling...weird music vid, btw. i think it's called young something...young folks?
23. last thing you drank: crystal light lemon water
24. place you went to: safeway
25. movie you saw: haha....this terrible lohan movie called just my luck. me and sierra rented it and it got more and more awesome as out magnum of yellow tail disappeared.
26. movie you rented: the pursuit of happyness. it was good.
27. movie you went to: pirates 3. i wanna be part of jack sparrow's jack sparrow trip. seriously.
Who was the last person you-
28. hugged: mom or dad...i dunno
29. cried over: that's personal, amigos.
30. instant messaged: jason, i think
31. danced with: uh...not sure.
32. shared a secret with: Prolly sierra. We fatties hide our secrets. --->hahahahah sierra, i <3 u.
33. had a sleepover with: sierra, my life partner
34. kissed: you...haha. u wish.
35. went to a movie with: my family.
36. saw: I see Christian. dad. he's watching tv.
37. were angry with: my sister. well, not angry...just perpetually annoyed and disappointed.
38. cant take your eyes off: mmm...johnny....i know that doesn't count but yeah. jack sparrow is hot.
Have you ever-
40. danced in the rain: hell yeah!
41. kissed someone: duh
42. done drugs: yo momma does drugs!
43. drank alcohol: yo momma....oh who am i kidding? of course.
44. partied 'til the sun came up: gbut of course. i'm so crazy! where's my party hat?
45. had a movie marathon: oh yes. i believe the unifying element was johnny depp.
46. gone too far on a dare: don't think so. i was always a truth wuss.
47. spun until you were immensely dizzy: yeah...blargh!
My life-
48. school you go to: just graduated cal. i don't go to school right now.
49. name: kristen
50. gender: fantastic female
51. birthday: 3/23...aries! the 1st fire sign! rar!
52. relationship status: i have several life partners....haha.
53. number of siblings: one.
54. State or province u live in: California, the best place ever.
55. i'm feeling: full...i ate my party hat. i am a beanbag.
56. i'm listening to: something blasting from sara's room
57. i'm doing: nothing...duh
58. i'm talking to: no one
59. i'm craving: wine...haha.
60. i'm thinking of: my friends.
61. i'm hating: that bon jovi song 'make a memory'...terrible.
62. love is: crazy
63. my first love: is a nice guy. a good guy.
64. love or lust: lust is easier. love is better. depends what ur in the market for...mr. right or mr. right now.
65. best love song: "amazed" by lonestar or maybe "looking into you" by jackson browne
66. Possible to be in love w/ more than 1 person at the same time?: maybe...that would be tough.
67. when love hurts: it's time to go on a bender ---> word, si.
68. Are you in love: yeah
Opposite/same sex-
70. turn ons: nice eyes, good smile, nice personality.
71. turn offs: arrogance. bad poo breath. huge sideburns. body odor.
72. do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you?: Definitely.
73. what kinda hairstyle are you into?: something that looks good on a guy's face. every guy is different. personal style is good.
74. What is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you?: i don't know...there are lots of possibilities.
75. where do you go to meet new people?: i don't. i'm asocial.
76. are you the type of person to HOLLA and ask for numbers? no...i give mine sometimes though. then i don't answer cuz i don't remember giving out.
Picky Picky-
77. dog or cat: I'm a crazy cat lady. love them. they're like little psychos. so entertaining.
78. short or long hair: depends on who.
79. sunshine or rain: sunshine. i'm over rain.
80. hugs or kisses: kisses. i'm affectionate.
81. xbox or ps2: neither.
82. written letters or e-mails: emails are so much more convenient.
83. Cars or motorcycles: my sexy car!
84. coke or pepsi: You know, as long as it's diet I'll drink either one.
85. house party or dance: Dance Party! Yeah!
87. freak or slow dance: freak dance, all the way. naughty naughty. ---> si, ur 2 funny.
88. How are you today? okay...bored.
89. what pants are you wearing right now?: a jean skirt, so no pants, technically.
91. what song are you listening to right now? nada.
92. how is the weather right now? clear, a little windy and chilly
93. last person you talked to online? jas
94. who was last person you talked to on the phone? jas?
95. last dream: i don't remember. the ones i had at sierra's were hilarious. like that leelee sobieski died. and the masturbating dream i had before that. oh, funny funny.