Hi there, wonderdful writer or artist! :)
My requests are going to be pretty general so you can be as creative as you please. I'll post a list of optional things I'd like for you to pick and choose from, and things I do NOT want. These will cover all the fandoms I chose and can apply to tricks and treats alike!
Things I'd enjoy seeing in fic or art:
Romance and/or friendship (For romance I prefer slash and femslash to het, usually. But I am quite happy with gen! I do like sweet friendship stories too).
Happy or at least hopeful endings
Humor, jokes and fun - maybe pranks if my gift is a trick!
Slightly spooky, creepy Halloween themes
Cats, can be black or any other color!
Circuses and sideshows
Carnivals and thrill rides
Cute or scary clowns
Yummy things to eat
Characters being awesome
Monsters, cute or scary
People taking care of one another
Somoeone becoming an awesome supernatural being like an alien or angel (Pepper might be good for this one, or Schlitzie!)
Death of any of my nominated characters (but if you're assigned Vampire Chronicles it's OK to kill off minor mortal characters!)
Unhappy endings
Anything too grim and lacking in hope
Anyone who's good and sweet (e.g. Joey Ramone, Pepper, Elvira, Jenny Lee, or Schlitze) turning evil
Tons of gore (a good scare is fine, but nothing squicky please!)
Any harm coming to the cats mentioned in List One!!!
That's about it, really. Have fun!
Fandoms and characters I've requested (listed in no particular order):
American Horror Story - Freak Show: Pepper
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Koba
Frozen: Elsa
The Ramones: Joey Ramone
Freaks (1932): Schlitzie, Elvira, Jenny Lee
Vampire Chronicles: Claudia
American Horror Story - Treat prompts: 1) Pepper finds romance (f/f only please).
2) Pepper goes trick or treating with her freak show friends
Trick prompts:1) A supernatural entity menaces the freaks, but is defeated by Pepper.
2) Pepper develops the ability to speak to the dead.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Treat prompts: 1) I am a big Caesar/Koba shipper, but since Caesar wasn't nominated his inclusion is of course optional, but I would love something tender and perhaps romantic with these two!
2) Koba acts as a mentor to younger apes, perhaps teaching them hunting skills.
Trick Prompts: 1) Koba has flashbacks to the horrors of being experimented on at Gem-Sys, and needs comforting from the other apes.
2) Koba scares the hell out of some hapless human who thinks he is a man dressed up for Halloween as an ape.
Frozen - Treat Prompts 1) Elsa finds romance (f/f only please). Crossovers and OCs OK if you want to use them!
2) Elsa decorates for Halloween. What would Halloween be like in Arendelle? Snowflake candy? Frozen pumpkins, perhaps?
Trick Prompts 1) Elsa fights a monster using her powers.
2) Elsa faces one of her darkest fears. but conquers it with help from her loved ones.
The Ramones -Joey in real life was a cat lover, so I would adore tricks or treats featuring Joey and kitties!
Treat Prompts: 1) Joey adopts a stray kitten
2) A kitten interrupts a Ramones practice session - hilarity results!
Trick Prompt: 1) Joey is transformed into a cat for one night - and has some amazing adventures!
2) Something based on the song "Spirit in My House" (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4s9wmFavbw) in which Joey and a friendly cat team up against the pesky spooks!
Freaks - Treats only for this one please!
Prompts 1) Schlitzie, Elvira and Jenny Lee go trick or treating
2) Dressing up in pretty clothes - lots of frills and thrills!
3) Schlitzie, Elvira and Jenny Lee cheer up someone who is feeling down
Vampire Chronicles - Treat Prompts: 1) A pleasant outing for Claudia
2) Claudia survives the attempt to kill her, and makes a new life
Trick Prompts: 1) Claudia stalking a victim
2) Claudia befriends a mortal who does not know she is a vampire - what happens when he or she finds out?