My Life since Then

Jan 22, 2006 22:45

Well, a lot has happened since the last time that I posted.  I am a full-timer at my job now, and I love it.  I get more money (which is always nice).  Being full-time also has this thing about being so much more permanent...and I feel like I hold so much more weight...not to mention the fact that my co-workers are so supportive of my little bump ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

kavita929 January 23 2006, 11:56:18 UTC
What a bitch, I'm sorry your trip was so horrible! I have a very nice friend in Germany (honestly nice, not fake nice) so maybe after Tim and I start living in England you can come over and you and I will go to Germany and have a much nicer time. Or we can screw Germany and go to...Paris?=) Or Madrid. Whatever. Love you and hope your grad application goes through!!


sweetcrazykeeks January 23 2006, 19:53:10 UTC
Hey Lizabeast...u always know just what to say. Ur a doll. Thanx. Excuse my french for all the profanity in the post... but I couldnt think of any other words that it would fit perfectly like the words I had :) When u and Tim move to England, we'll have a ball travelling again to Germany and whereever else our heart desires. I still do plan on going back to Germany...but not to stay with her. I am going to write her a response tonight...and I am going to be calm and civil..but get my point across. U and TIm doing ok?????????


kavita929 January 23 2006, 20:59:28 UTC
Yeah, Tim and I are fine. You should be getting an invitation to the wedding in the next couple days, so start making plans to get your butt up here!


sweetcrazykeeks January 25 2006, 04:16:26 UTC
Hahahahah...yay! Actually, today, I was thinking, "Hmmm, what am I going to where to this amazing event?!" Love u both!


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