
Feb 09, 2006 09:46

Time fades away, and so do the memories---or the desire to care for memories.

Work is going good right now.  We're prolly at the busiest time of the year, with freshman and transfer applications flooding in...and drama ensuing ever so faithfully.  Many freshman applications have disappeared---but many of the application fees for these missing ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

kavita929 February 10 2006, 00:06:46 UTC
It's ok Keeks, a lot of people don't even know we have electricity up here. Yes, there is a bus service that can actually take you all the way from Boston to very near my doorstep - it's called Concord Trailways. Tenants Harbor is four hours from Boston, or two hours from Portland. You are SO not getting out of coming to my wedding - your butt had better be there, or else...umm...well, I'll think of something. And that goes for you too, Jenn!


froglet March 20 2006, 23:59:38 UTC
And lots of people up there don't even know what electricity is.


froglet March 20 2006, 23:59:03 UTC
Hiya. Can you email quagi at midcoast.com? It's something about the wedding but I'm not being told what :)

Hope to see you soon :)


sweetcrazykeeks March 21 2006, 00:56:46 UTC
Um, Tim, who's quagi at midcoast.com?


sweetcrazykeeks March 21 2006, 01:08:24 UTC
searched the website...very odd...the website is really not user friendly. Dont know where to go to find out quagi. Went to personal homepages...nothing...tell me what to do next.


kavita929 March 21 2006, 02:58:48 UTC
Hey babe, boys are so totally useless. That is Tim's groomsman Jonathan Ward's e-mail address. Jonathan is plotting something for the wedding and wanted to tell you about it, but since it's a surprise for Tim and me, I don't know what it is. Tim spelled out the e-mail address (insert @ for at) because if you leave an e-mail address all together on the web then spammers can find it and spam it.

Love you!


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