Hehe..Jon just taught me how to do this..so I'm doing it. Yea, we have a sub today in Locke..again - remind me to go to Womack right after school!! I NEED TO!!! ARG!!
TRICIA IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE ---- I heart you boo.
What is funny? Today + lunch...+ people not knowing that Jonathan and I AREN'T together anymore...it makes for funny insults to Jonathan........hahaha - Oh girl...I heart you!!!!
Tana is spending the night at my house.(HOPEFULLY)...then we are going to Prom dress shopping tomorrow with my mom. It should equal uberfun-ness.....
right now? not much...I am in an extremely exciting and happy mood.....does that worry anybody else but me? hmmmmmmm....way too much fun!
Stop it! I'm taking you over! Make sure your ready. I heart you soo much!! And I will miss you extremely....and you know it. You making me sad...stop...now!!