(no subject)

Apr 11, 2004 22:12

01. What is your name, birthdate and birth place ?
Kellee Bonnell, May 15, Circleville Ohio *i think*
02. Blood type and Zodiac sign ?
ummm ABCDEFG; Taurus

03. What is your height, weight and shoe size ?
5'8''; -234375349875 lbs; 8 1/2 or 9

04. How many people are in your family ?
4 - mom, dad, me, Bry

05. What is one strength/weakness that you possess ?
Strength: i dunno - good listener?
Weakness: too many...fortuantly, I don't think people know them....

06. What's your motto ?
Things will work out in the end, if they don't work out, its not the end.

07. What are your favorite words ?
SCHLOMINATION! *HAHA LIZ AND RO* plus, check Annes journal...haha

08. What kind of animal would you compare yourself to ?
erm, something hyper I guess

09. What are your hobbies ?
theatre, softball, band, singing...eh - nothing in particular..wide variety

10. What kind of special talents or abilities do you have ?
hehe...you should find out on your own...just kidding...well, some people say I can sing and act....

11. Aside from work, what kind of computer you use, and what software program do you enjoy using the most ?
Ghettofab Microsoft Laptop - the internet? i dont really play on mine...its slow and poopy

12. About how many e-mail pen-pals do you have ?
all my old No-Co peeps (right Aud?)

13. Did you ever use the ASCII based bbs and did you ever meet anyone off of them ?
I don't think so...but....well - I'm just lost...

14. What is the first thing you do/website you check when you get online ?
turn on AIM

15. Tell us, what's something we should avoid at all costs ?
practically everything in downtown L-burg...unless you WANT to get shot...

16. Favorite TV show theme song ?
Uhh FRIENDS..duh

17. What is your one favorite Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday TV Show ?
Friends, Will and Grace, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Dharma and Greg

18. What phrase do you say a lot ?
I heart..., Bite me..., what up?...

19. What brand of cigarettes got you hooked on cigarettes (if any) ?
nada - smoking = gross

20. Is there anything you won't/can't stop doing ?
Talking online - holy hell AOL is addicting!!

21. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would you choose ?

22. What are your favorite drinks ?
water, soda, everything...haha

23. What is your favorite food, and a food you would like to try but haven't yet ?
Chinese, I'll try practically anything once...

24. What food are you best at cooking ?
you name it - i heart cooking...

25. What's your favorite kind of flower ?
yellow rose...daisy's

26. Where do you buy most of your clothes ?
where ever I can find cute clothes that A) fit...and B) mom will buy

27. What do you do with clothes that you regret having bought ?
Let them sit around until I finally convince my mother that I'll never wear them.

28. Has anyone ever given you a ring ?
nope..but Charles Nuckols owes me one...apparently Carrie stole mine....haha

29. What brand/service is your cell phone ? Also, what song do you use as the ringer ?
N'Telos...Mozart 40..my phone is GHETTO

30. What kind of skin care products do you use ?
uhmm...I am so not a girly girl...

31. Worst childhood halloween costume ?
probably my M&M one from...yea, I admit it...two years ago....

32. How did you get your first scar ?
I was running to tell my grandma about my bro catching a fish and I fell on the dock...its an awesome scar - but then theres the one from when I was in the hospital...yea, sorry guys - you cant see that one...its hidden....

33. What was the last color you painted your fingernails ?
i am humanly incapable of painting my fingernails...my toenails are always painted though...whatever it was that Jonathan gave me for Christmas...

34. What kind of perfume/cologne do you like ?
anything that smells good...i like good smells

35. What kind of shampoo, conditioner and other hair care products do you use ?
Suave...smelly suave...

36. Please comment on men's make up ?
I thought that the guys wearing eyeliner in Tommy was kinda hott...haha...and it was funny watching the guys line up at the girls dressing room...plus I almost poked out Eric's eye...it was ALL NICOLES FAULT!

37. What is your favorite Shakespearian play ?
Romeo and Juliet - but I heart Shakespeare, so anything really

38. What do you think of guys who tuck polo shirts into their jeans ?
Mon Dieu...as Allison said...

39. It's a bit out of the blue, but here's the Ultimate Choice Series! Based solely on the two choices given. Basically it is picking the lesser of two evils :
- Would you choose a hot, but really poor guy/girl, or an ugly but rich one ?
eh, I'm not a looks person really...have you seen me? now THAT would be conceited...

- Would you choose a hot, but really stupid guy/girl, or an extremely intelligent but ugly one ?
Intelligent but ugly...same...but definitely intelligence

- Would you rather be with someone who wanted you only for your money or only for your looks ?
Only for my looks, because I have no money

- Would you rather be with someone who you didn't trust, or who didn't trust you ?
Someone that didn't trust me ... I couldn't stand being with someone that I didn't trust.

40. What kinds of things do you think it's really sexy when guys/girls do ?
wow...uhmm...sooooo many....smiles are always hot....yummy

41. What kind of person makes you think "He/She really pisses me off!" ?
Stupid people. the end.

42. There may be many, but what one value/trait would you like to make sure your son or daughter had ?
Common sense. It's vital to have common sense.

43. What kind of fashion do you think is really uncool ? (girl's or guy's)
Chicks who don't wear clothes that cover their bodies and are way too tight for them ... and little fat rolls hang out, blahh ... when will people understand that you look SO MUCH THINNER when you buy clothes that FIT! (touche audrey!!)i agree

44. If you could travel back in time and stop yourself from doing 1 thing, what would it be ?
erm...I dunno....

45. Which Star Trek crew would you most like to have been a part of ?
the first...the remakes and such were soooo bad - *YES! I WAS A TREKKIE!!!*

46. It is the year 2020 and your 15 year old child has decided that "goth" is back in style - would you be okay with that ?
I think I'd pee myself laughing and never stop

47. How long do you spend in the bath/shower ?
depends on my mood...and time limit

48. Would you have liked to have an identical twin ?
i dunno - i think it would be cool...mary kate and ashley style boo!

49. You can switch bodies with a celebrity for one day - Who would you be ? and how would you spend your day ?

50. Army, Navy, Airforce, or Marines ?
all of em..man in uniform....double yummy

51. Were you ever in boyscouts/girlscouts ?
yep...but i moved, so i didnt rejoin

52. What part of yourself makes you think, 'I sure am cute!' ?
cute..hell, i'm drop dead gorgeous....JUST KIDDING...you all know there aint nuthin bout me cute...

53. When have you thought, 'I'm such a little devil' ?
hahaha ...mmm...right

54. If you could live your life over from any point, when would that be ? Why ?
when I was 10 - holy hell playgrounds are the shit!

55. Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship ?
family ... not romantic

56. Do you think love and marriage are separate ?
no..you have to love in a successful marriage

57. What would you do if you turned into a cat for a day ?
Sleep and catch things and get high off catnip

58. What would you do if you became invisible for a day ?
follow people and listen in on conversations

59. What TV show do you wish they would put back on the air ?
any old-school nickelodeon show

60. Do you dream in color ?

61. Shopping Pride! What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought in your whole life ? How much was it ?
prom dress last year - 145.....*LIZ!! 300!!!!!!*

62. What is the best cure for a broken heart ?
Friends, ice cream, and chick flicks *chocolate mint ice cream, right laura? ohhhh yea!*

63. When was the last time you made someone cry ? What did you do ?
I have no idea..

64. At what age did you realize you could stand up to your parents ?
typical enlightend rebellious teen

65. If you had to go to confession - how long would you have to be in the box ?
erm, i have no clue...im not a very open person -

66. Next in the Ultimate Choice Series! Your boyfriend/girlfriend suddenly breaks up with you.
Which of the following reasons for the breakup is worse ?
"I've fallen in love with your best friend."
"I've fallen in love with my best friend."
the first...backstabbing little ho....

67. What is something you want to buy right now, and have the money to buy?
peanut butter delight ice cream--yea, im poor..get ova it!

68. It'd be cool to win a lot of money. What would you do if you won $3 million (after taxes) in the lottery ?
Buy a new car, throw a huge party and put aside money for college.

69. What magazines do you read ?
Seventeen, YM, Cosmo

70. What books have you read recently ?
The Da Vinci Code, Wicked, The Paris Option

71. How many piercings do you have ?
two in each ear

72. What would you advise people do if trying lose weight?
forrest says just keep running....and get to an ocean, turn around and keep on running...continue until a stick figure -- haha mike

73. If you could have one non-domesticated animal become domesticated and own it as a pet, what would it be ?
either a tiger or a monkey...awww!!!

74. How many times a week do you have sex ?
well..i am upgrading to Liberty...haha Liz...all those liberal baptists are so sexually frustrated.....

75. How do you get rid of body hair ?
like eyebrows? plucking -- but ive done that like..twice in my life...im blessed...hahha

76. Is there any hair growing on the top of your feet?
ew..no hobbit feet for me!

77. Minimally, how long should you know someone before you can say that you've fallen in love with them ?
love has no time restraints

78. Do you think you have a split personality ?

79. What color is most of your underwear ?
i dunno, my underwear is colorful.

80. What song has a special memory for you ?
nothing as of yet...i dont think

81. Besides money/credit cards, what do you carry in your purse/wallet ?
cell phone, lip gloss, keys, not much

82. What do you treasure most ?
My family and friends

83. Do you believe in the existence of god(s) ?

84. You're walking along the beach and stumble upon a bottle. You rub the bottle and a genie appears. He grants you 1 wish. What would it be ?
to end world hungar!! oh this isnt Miss America is it..erm....like Allison - talking to animals would be ubergoober cool...

85. What do you do to lift your spirits when you feel like nothing good is happening ?
write in my journal...listen to music and sing at the top of my lungs...andrew lloyd webber is good for that one...

86. What blood type can you not stand? (have bad compatibility with) Why?
wtf? who the hell knows that?!

87. What would you do if you met a person who was just like you ?
i would pity the world...one of me is enough - even I agree with that..haha

88. What do you want to be when you grow up ?
President..hey, don't knock it - I could reinstate the guillotine..only over here...public beheadings at the White House...oh yea!

89. When do you think of yourself as a genius ?
French class....hey, its eeeeeeezy! and then in my dreams...those are nice

90. When was the last time you got pissed off ?
i received a certain email....

91. What made you happy recently ?
spring break started...

92. Which one of your friends do you not understand at all ?
depends on their moods....

93. Tell us about a time recently, when you looked stupid for having thought something wrong.
every single day of my life...pick a time...haha

94. Make up a word and definition.
muhbilla - a million billion (ok, so I stole Nicole and Tim's word, sorry!)

95. Do you think guys and girls can be friends ?
uhmmm...yeeeeeesssssss...it can be fuuuuun too..

96. Share the three most painful experiences of your life.
why would i want to share those?

97. You are one of the Greek gods - which one are you ?
Venus - ooooh yea...loooooooove is in my powa!!

98. If the world was going to end in one week, what would you spend that week doing ?
Everything I wanted to do

99. How often do you write poetry ?
now THATS private.....

100. It's the 100th question! Say one last thing! (if you can, you must be tired of answering these)

WHEW...It was her fault...I swear!
So, Easter in the Bonnell household is delayed until tomorrow..because we forgot..yes, forgot...THAT I blame on Bryan....:D
YAY!!! I'm excited...heheh.....
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