Yo! Kids...memories. Of me. Comment with em. You know you have funny ones. CUZ -- I'm a nut and we all know it. Plus - added bonus - first to comment, gets a...well, that's to be decided- but you want it!! HAHAHA...plus, you can sign my AWESOME pants...hehehe - love, Kell
BlueOtter13 (4:06:59 PM): see, it made you feel better already
Faeriedust34 (4:07:14 PM): oh it did!
Faeriedust34 (4:07:20 PM): a 573982q658913568735 times!
BlueOtter13 (4:07:32 PM): awesome!!!!
Faeriedust34 (4:07:45 PM): :)
BlueOtter13 (4:08:06 PM): and the q is like.....3485793475947983258643785798374648751 97493657847983743462587774732nb times improvment
Faeriedust34 (4:08:31 PM): and the nb is 48156438751658650871465087135613208564318075431nn times improvement
BlueOtter13 (4:09:58 PM): and the nn is like infinity improvement...which make the whole number perfect
Faeriedust34 (4:11:14 PM): exactly!
BlueOtter13 (4:11:50 PM): and who says we need extra math skills?!
HAHA! Rehearsal tonight. See ya there! Or be square...you know you wanna come!