
Jul 22, 2005 15:45

Okay, so I don't think I've posted properly in a few days...I have been feeling like crap ever since I ate that Checker's. Tuesday I went to the bowling alley for a good bye party for my friend, Kim. She's moving back to Maryland in like 10 days. Erin, Jessie, Morgan W., Vince, Peter, A.J., Melissa, Kim, and I were all there-

Starting on this side^- Jessie, Melissa, Erin, Morgan W., Kim, A.J., Me, and Vince

Yea, I look like shit, but oh well, I actually look tan! We had fun, I hate bowling but I ended up racing most of the time anyway. I only got beat once hehe, by Vince, and I was right on his ass :) The second time I beat him though. The pizza is really good and I don't really like pizza. Patience and Dana weren't there, I looked for them. I spent the night with Kim and Lissa, ate so much junk. It didn't help with my being sick...

Mrs. Walter dropped me off the next day at like 1 and I read and fell asleep. Forgot what I did the rest of the day....Oh, wait, I went to dinner at dad's because we were supposed to be discussing our Seattle trip. My neighbor's grand daughter is here from Tennessee so I walked down to visit with them and then she came over after they ate, and Claire (my neighbor) took us to the barn. It was pouring so I didn't go out to get my babies, but we just walked around and looked at everybody anyway. I hope Holly had her baby last night, it was a full moon! LOL, I'm starting to think that it's twins. It's odd,  I've been seeing and hearing about alot of cases of perfectly healthy twins lately. Maybe it's just in the air.  Anyway, thank god I missed dinner, when we got back they had already eaten. So, I ate by myself and then waited for my sister to be ready to leave. I was pissed, we can't go to Seattle because it's a "money issue" but fucking Andrea and co. can go to the beach for a week.

Yesterday I spent all day at the barn, I got to Kat's a little after 6:30 in the a.m.and got to see Zowie and the kittens.  I felt like complete shit. Helped with chores, slept on the pinic table seat almost all day with a horrible developing migrane. When I got up, I couldn't see. Gradually I got blurred vision, but almost an hour later it hadn't really improved. Eventually it did clear up, but not all the way. I called my sister to come and get me, but she had no gas or money...I visited with my babies, Cymry scared me cause he was laying flat out and wouldn't get up, he sat up, but still wouldn't get all the way up, so I called Kat. I worry too mcuh, Kat pulled on his hair and he got up....He was fine. I visited weith Snickers with Lauren, who was also sleeping. Then, I visited with Merlot, who was...sleeping lol. Almost eveyone was, it was so hot.

I got in the pool a couple times, just kinda floated for a few mintutes...Blake wanted to ride Stormy into the pond so I hopped on Merlot (I was worried bout cymry's feet). She doesn't go in, but I just sat and watched while Kat tried to get Stormy in. Then, I went to get Cymry so Stormy could follow him in, but when I came back, she was already in. So, I went back and got back on Merlot. I rode her through the flooded part with Blake, just walking and trotting, then let Kat on her and she rode her a bit. hehe, she'll be my little hunter/jumper and maybe even eventer.

My sister finally came around 6, we stopped and got ice cream and then went home. My mommi ordered Sushi for dinner and I ate it, then read and fell asleep at like 7:30. Mom came in at 11 p.m. to make sure I was okay and I got up and drank some O.J. and took some more tylenol, went back to bed....I didn't wake up today until 3 p.m. I never sleep late...but I feel like complete shit.

I finished the Harry Potter book a couple of days ago and I'm reading them all again, it'll be about my 20th time. I love them so much hehe. I wish they were real...

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